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 What is the most despicable thing a person can do? (11)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

What is the most despicable thing a person can do?

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2 points

Basically any form of prolonged, physical torture where the subject is broken down more and more until he dies.

it's both psychologically and physically abusive, i.e.

Locked in an empty, pitch black room with no food, water, or answers until they die.


sawing away at the joints one by one each day and burning the wounds to stop the bleeding and prevent infection until they are just a torso and head.

Side: Prolonged Physical Torture Till Death
2 points

lol, I like Pyg's,

Kuk, Palin, those are kind of week, let's use our imaginations ;)

I think the most despicable thing is,

if they strapped someone to a table with a tv over them, and replayed videos on a loop of everyone they had ever known or loved being tortured and killed,

at the same time, someone slowly skins them apx 1 sq inch of flesh at a time, rubbing each wound down with salt and rubbing alcohol as they go so they don't die of infection.

Then to make sure they survive as long as possible, the person feeds their skin to them, and any waiste produced.

I think that may be more painful in the long run than actually cutting away limbs as Pyg suggested, as there are nerve endings all over the body. Not sure though.

Side: Prolonged Physical Torture Till Death
1 point

Lol, watch this end up being "the best way to torture someone".

but that's why i just used those as examples.

Side: Prolonged Physical Torture Till Death head never even went in that direction! You two are serial killers in disguise as honest and upright business men, I swear! SAW VI anyone?

Side: Prolonged Physical Torture Till Death
asdf789(350) Disputed
1 point

What? Mine is not a period of seven consecutive days (week). ;)


Besides, what you are describing at first is psychological torture, which is what I said. For the others parts, that's creepy. You have been seeing too many horror films. :)

Side: Prolonged Physical Torture Till Death
xander(438) Disputed
1 point

I think burning off their skin would be more effective than cutting it, as far as physical pain goes. Salt/rubbing alcohol is much more painful on burns than cuts as well. Also, we're all pretty fucked up here with this!

Side: Prolonged Physical Torture Till Death

I think having consensual sex with your mother or father is pretty high up on the list of despicable! Or perhaps it might be a minor family member but it all stinks to high heaven.

Side: Prolonged Physical Torture Till Death
1 point

I think that we're missing one; rape.

Rape is one of the most heinous crimes that can be commited; it scars the victim, leaving them to live as a shell of themselves. I think a lot of people on this websites are guys, so they haven't really had to think about it.

However, once you get down to it, after they're done being tortured, they're dead. Not all rape victims are killed, and they have to live with the trauma of that experience for the rest of their lives- the REST OF THEIR LIVES. That's the sort of torture that never ends.

Side: Rape
1 point

Promising a retarded orphan that you are taking him to see his mommy again, then skinning him and leaving him in a pile of salt.

Side: Rape
0 points

Interesting question. As a Christian, the most despicable thing you can do in the Bible is to shun yourself away from God, i.e. refuse to believe. In the real world, I would say the most despicable thing a person can do is to psychologically abuse/torture someone.

Side: psychological abuse