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 What's Wrong with Murder? (6)

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Liber(1712) pic

What's Wrong with Murder?

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1 point

Well, if you are the victim, then you might be pretty pissed someone snuffed you out, unless of course the whole soul thing is real and there is a better place than what our current existence is. If you are the murderer, then one of two things happens. You either feel so guilty you can't live with yourself, but you do because it is better than spending the rest of your life in prison...or you wake up the next day saying hell, that wasn't so bad, I think i might just go kill me another victim today! Seems like both parties are affected in a serious way.

It's the violation of one's natural right to life, the initial and most vital right we possess.

1 point

The government is in the way. When it comes to murder, it should be a form of mirror punishment, a means of justification, not an evil and/or impulsive action.

1 point

Your killing someone else. Thats not right at all! Go ahead and kill yourself whatever but when you harm someone else is when the line is crossed. Plus the person that is killed by whoever the murder is will probably be really mad about it if he/she lives or if he/she dies there is all the family and friends that will be sad over the loss. Everything is wrong with murder

"Wrong" in what way? Morally ?

Liber(1712) Clarified
1 point

In any way.

Murder takes the life away from an individual and that life can never be brought back so murder is a horrible crime.