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 What type of music do you enjoy... (6)

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Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

What type of music do you enjoy...

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I like many different genres. Lately I've listened mostly to jazz, but one thing I always come back to is choir music, it calms me down, I love it. My favorite artist though is Billy Joel.

Quite hilarious cos my name is actually Joel. Good to know that you hear good music

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Pun unintended, lol :D

1 point

Almost anything but todays. "That Old Time Rock and Roll", Jazz, Big Band, Swing, Country, Disco, Blues, and, though I am an Atheist .. Gospel! (Elvis was a great Gospel singer!)

Today, I have to go to close caption to figure out the words, and am usually disappointed that I did! The band, (noise), is put in the foreground, where it used to be in the background .... evidently to cover up the fact that the "artist" can't sing! We used to call them singers, there are FEW of them any more. Adele? We used to have at least a dozen "singers" (female), as good or better than her at all times. An equal number of males. You didn't have to drown them out. Rap?? Give me a break! That's (usually) ugly poetry with an attitude, making it possible for a "non-singing person" to make money in "music"(?). A local morning talk show person last week said, I watched (some award show / music), last night) ... what's happened to music?? Good question.

1 point

We're eclectic at home. We've got about a dozen Pandora stations we dabble in. Probably the only things I don't care for much are Country, Classical, and Rap, and even those have their time and place where they're fine.

Where I grew up was mainly Country or Classic Rock and obviously I favored the Classic Rock.

I like mainly instrumental music.

You can understand how well it is composed, and it doesn't give you an earworm.

1 point

I enjoy any genre you can name except rap. I like pop, jazz, blues, rock, metal (yes, even death metal), eletronic music...the list goes on. My favourites would be pop and metal.