
Debate Info

Weaponize politics She's a good person
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:6
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 Weaponize politics (1)
 She's a good person (1)

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ObamasGoblin(93) pic

...When Hillary was ready to Muslimize Obama and cheat Bernie Sanders.

Weaponize politics

Side Score: 3

She's a good person

Side Score: 1
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1 point

Yeah, and Obama was born in Kenya! Give it a rest! If you believe what you find on the internet, how come everything you believe is against Obama and Hillary?? There's PLENTY you can find on there that is AGAINST Trump, ('course, you'd have to look outside the alternate fact section), ... somehow none of THAT is "factual"???? It must be "alt" to be correct? Right?

You are one sick puppy living in an alternate universe!!

Side: She's a good person
3 points

If you believe what you find on the internet

Hillary doesn't deny Wikileak's claims. They are her emails. In fact they, Wikileaks, have never been proven wrong.

There's PLENTY you can find on there that is AGAINST Trump

So cough it up so we can discuss it.

You are one sick puppy living in an alternate universe!!

CNN said reading wikileaks was illegal (a lie), went after Trump's taxes and then proved he paid $35 million and a high tax rate, and convinced liberal students that safe spaces exist...

Side: Weaponize politics