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 Where Do You See The World In 2026? (9)

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Jacobcoolguy(2428) pic

Where Do You See The World In 2026?

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Orbiting the sun .

1 point

as a highly advanced technological paradise with eco cities and eco villages with no pollution surrounded by nature or as an uncivilized medieval world if world war 3 happens and wipes out most people on earth and destroys our infrastructure.

1 point

Just like now except the Kardashians will be replaced with a Trump daughters/wives show.

1 point

Depends on the next election. Vote (R) to go backward, (D) to go forward .... just like driving a car!

-1 points

the wicked wiped out ...

Jesus has retrieved his Universe and rules and reigns over the Earth with His Saints for 1000 years ....

a final battle between good and evil breaks out and is quickly crushed ....

God initiates a final judgement for the wicked ..

God creates a new Heaven and a new Earth ..

then we are pulled into eternity and time will be no more ........

see Revelation

2 points

another post showing you have no intelligent or foresight at all and can only parrot brain dead fire and brimstone bronze age shite.

So......the world 10 years from now?

well, we will have won the war on terrorism by then and ISIL will be eradicated. The USA will have returned to World Power, and the economies of China and India will have experienced recessions.

I see a sort of Civil War in China, as the burgeoning middle class railed against State Rule.

AI will have become a relaity. People will own robot companions, including those that can be used for sex. Most of them will be used for domestic servants.

Illegal Immigration into the US will be all but totally stopped. As we will have finally realized that by outsourcing more manufacturing to Mexico we can give them jobs and thus give their people more incentive to stat home. It will be win-win since we will have cheap labor and also remove china from its world dominance in manufacturing.

The Super Bowl and NFL playoffs will be pay-per-view. UFC fights will now be televised fights-to-the-death. They will be very popular.

Flights into Space will become more common, for a fee like with commercial airlines.

About one third of the cars on the road will be computerized auto-pilot cars.

we will finally get our jet packs and be able to use them for commuting and recreation. You will have to have a license for them, like a driver's license. There will also be a new sport involving them, sort of like the Harry Potter game with the brooms.

We will have our first Gay president.

Fundamentalist Christianity and zealots like AintNow and Dadman will be pushed into the dark corner of superstition where they belong. New Thought and Accepting Christianity like Unity Church will prevail. Zealots will be confined to street corners.

Evolution will be proved by DNA findings and more fossil dating.

We will be contacted by ET.s They will be friendly and offer us technology that will allow us to live to be 120, easy.

3 points

I like what you said About Evolution being proven. I agree. WE are very close even now. The fact is that the ANTI evolutionists have absolutely NO proof and no alternative scenario that is taken seriously by hardly any credible Biologists.

I also like the ET contact idea, though I am not so sure about this one. And I DO hope for our sake they are friendly to us, since they are almost certain to be more advanced.

As far as Organized religion getting eradicated, I would love to see it but am not as optimistic as you.



shaash(434) Disputed
1 point

India will have experienced recessions.

Why what's wrong with india?

1 point

Yeah, that is not going to happen.