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 Where should transgendered kids pee? (10)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Where should transgendered kids pee?

A transgendered first-grader isn't allowed to use the girls' bathroom at her school, because she was born male. It doesn't seem like there's an easy answer here. What is the best way to handle a situation like this?

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1 point

In the toilet?

Well, that's part of an answer. But how do they decide between the boys' and girls' bathroom?

1 point

How do you decide?

1 point

Ideally, every institution (particularly public institutions) should have a gender neutral bathroom. In the case where a gender neutral bathroom is not available or not an option, the child should be allowed to use whatever restroom they feel safest in. It should be noted that for individuals who are transgender, restrooms are an actual issue of safety (versus the discomfort some feel when someone who is transgender uses a particular restroom).

well that depends. but i guess generally the men's room. anyone agree.

Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

There are transgender from man to woman and from woman to man are you suggesting both go to mens?

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Nope, I disagree. As I said, a youth who is transgender (and adults for that matter) should be able to use whichever restroom they feel safest using. Men's or women's.

Although I will say, your suggestion is certainly a refreshing twist on the usual "change the women's restrooms into gender neutral restrooms" that I typically run into...

1 point

I believe a transgender will always have a neutrality bewteen the two genders thus, they should be able to choose a bathroom they feel more comfortable with. Its not as if they are disturbing anyone in anyway.