
Debate Info

ASL(American Sign Language) French
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 ASL(American Sign Language) (9)
 French (4)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Which Language To Learn Is The Best?

ASL(American Sign Language)

Side Score: 10


Side Score: 4
2 points

Personally, I would have chosen Spanish and I think this should have been a popularity contest debate. But in the spirit of sticking to your choices, I'd say ASL because it's always fun to talk about other people without them knowing what you're saying. And French is too popular. :) Besides... I went to Paris and the people there were stuck up jerks. I don't think I'll vacation there again.

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)
1 point

Well let's say you are on your first date and you are asked if you speak any other languages.

"Yes, I speak French", as you say that, the other person might think you are educated, or a bit eccentric, or they might not think nothing of it.

But if you say "Yes I know Sign Language" the other person is gonna think you are COOL with a capital C and capital everything.

The true language of love is not French or Italian, it is Sing Language because it can be spoken during those silent intimate moments without breaking the mood.

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)

Too bad I have only 2 choices to pick from. I would have gone for ESP. I mean, that's way cooler than ASL and your hands are free for those silent intimate moments without breaking the mood or the action. ;)

Side: ESP
1 point

Heh. ASL is neat for the very reason you do it silently, in a way. I can communicate with my friends across the street without screaming my lungs off, and more likely, no one around us is being bothered, nor knows what we are saying. However, fluent ASL is not technically "silent." It's just a different type of loud; like a visually loud language. Watch an angry person sign their anger... it's as scary and loud as a verbal person speaking their anger. I'm sure learning ASL is funner than learning any verbal language though- as my experience is between learning ASL and spanish. But my opinion is slightly flawed because of my hearing loss and learning any verbal language is a bitch for me.

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)

I know a bit of ASL and I know several deaf people, including my best friend's uncle. ASL is an extremely helpful language to know, and it's fairly unknown, so my friends and I often communicate in ASL briefly in public.

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)

ASL is a fabulous way to communicate with English speaking people. I don't know if other languages use their own versions but they sure should. It's such a boon to non-hearing people that they can now understand what's going on in a meeting or a live show and any number of other things. I took it for one semester but never used it. I'd have to go back and start again which I wouldn't mind doing at all if circumstances were such that I should.

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)
1 point

They do. That's why it's called "American Sign Language."

Languages are complicated. It would be very very difficult, if not impossible, to develop a universal sign language.

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)

That makes me very happy Pineapple...hopefully one day all languages will have it is their own form. I'm not certain on this but I think ASL was always named that even when no one else used it. I believe it was developed at the Univerisity for the Deaf (Galludet) in Washington D.C. but I could be wrong.

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)
1 point

i dont see many deaf people out and about. but, french is always good. it will get you a better job, where as ASL will only get you a better job if you work at the deaf school.

Side: French
1 point

Yea, exactly. ASL is only useful if you're surrounded by deaf, hard of hearing, and the handful of hearing people that use it. Which are usually, only in tight-nit communities. But ASL has been getting a "cool" rep over the past decade (and I really don't understand why because it's like people suddenly think deaf people are cool and they don't even really know any), so people prefer it. But French would come out more useful at some point, especially if you want to go to, well, France.

Side: French
1 point

That's not exactly right simoriah...the schools for the deaf teach it but there are many more avenue down which it can be utilized. Theater, concerts, speeches, meetings, open readings of writer's materials. There's more out there than you know!

Side: ASL(American Sign Language)
simoriah(201) Disputed
1 point

yes, but unless you are deaf, then those things dont need to be in ASL for you, so you still dont need them. i wasnt saying that was all that there was, i was just saying that for non-deaf ppl, its not exactly usefull.

Side: French
1 point

The best language to learn is Spanish.

But I've taken both and my French is pretty useful, too.

Side: Spanish