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Yes Are not
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:23
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 Yes (6)
 Are not (5)

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ObamasGoblin(93) pic

White Conservatives and white liberals are biologically racists


Side Score: 15

Are not

Side Score: 6
5 points

There's no such thing as a biological racist.

You've been reading too many scientific journals which are beyond your mental capacity to interpret and understand.

Best if you restrict your reading material to super hero comics.

People become so called racists through experiences and observation.

I do think however, that you'll find there are a lot more alleged racists than the categories you listed in your thread.

As you obviously want to be offended and enjoy making comments that will attract scorn you must be some sort of a


If holding blacks in contempt is being racist, then I'm a proud racist.

If not wishing to live anywhere near blacks is being a racist, then I consider myself to be a clever racist, as, when the darkies move into a neighborhood en-mass the district soon takes on the appearance of a war zone with the dilapidated buildings being used as the headquarters and armories for the numerous drug gangs.

Knife and gun crime becomes ''the norm and whites move out.

This WHITE FLIGHT phenomenon can be scientifically tracked in the once thriving and prosperous cities of Detroit and now Chicago.

In Detroit whites only represent 10% of the city's population and of course the city is bankrupt, violent crime is rampant and most districts resemble war torn Aleppo.

How the darkies turned this once proud and prosperous city into a rat infested ''SHIT HOLE so quickly.

When the Bongos move in, property value nose dive.

Side: Yes

I agree...

Now let's divide up those minority votes equally to both parties...

Side: Yes
ObamasGoblin(93) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean?..................................................

Side: Are not
2 points

You know what I mean Goblin. Both parties are predominantly white, so stop voting with white leftist racists. Your words, not mine.

Side: Yes
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