
Debate Info

LGBT people God
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 LGBT people (6)
 God (5)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Who disgusts you more?

Assume that the Bible's description of God is true and accurate. If neither disgusts you, who do you find less pleasing?

LGBT people

Side Score: 9


Side Score: 9

I have no problem with LGBT people. What do have a problem with is these things:

- Lesbians being feminist and calling you sexist for holding the door open.

- Gays calling you homophobic for not wanting to watch them make out.

- Gays thinking its okay to slap your girlfriend's ass because they are gay.

- Gays thinking its okay to grope your girlfriend's boobs because they are gay.

- "Bi-sexuals" pretending to be bi-sexual for fashion and attention.

- Transgender people demanding they can use both male and female rest rooms.

- Transgender people who say the GMO food should be illegal because its unnatural, while they inject themselves with loads of chemicals and hormones and tell you to let them make their own decisions.

PS: I can't be disgusted with God because I'm pretty sure that Yahweh doesn't exist, and if he does, it is certainly not the way he is portrayed.

Side: LGBT people

God simply is unable to disgust me because I never met the guy, plus they can be just rude as provided above.

Side: LGBT people
1 point

Well you must havve lots of homesexual friends .

Side: LGBT people
1 point

Well, from personal experience, LGBT people get upset when I simply say I don't agree with your lifestyle. They then reel out the bigot card, if I don't agree I simply don't agree. Many people don't agree with Christians but you don'y see me name calling them.

Side: LGBT people
3 points

Well.... I don't know any gay people that murdered millions so I guess God.

Side: God
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Many believe Hitler was gay, so...

Side: LGBT people
Hellno(17724) Clarified
2 points

Hitler didn't personally kill millions, God did in HtheM's senario...

Many people believe Celine Dion is hot.... she's not.

Side: LGBT people
2 points

Oh God. What was done to Job was far worse an idea to grasp than what gay people do in their bedrooms. Not only that, but LGBT people don't document what goes on in their bedroom. God documents what he does to the people he created. It's like he's playing Sims with the screen shot camera on.

Side: God

Lolzors told me we don't have a choice whether we want to follow God or not. He has already chosen which people are going to hell and which are going to Heaven - which means he creates people just to throw them in hell.

That's like a woman trying to get pregnant just so she can abort. Sick I say.

Side: God
timber113(795) Disputed
1 point

Don't listen to Lolzors, he is an a Calvanist. Armenians believe man have the ability to choose.

Side: LGBT people

Yeah but still. He annoys the fuck out of me .

Side: LGBT people
1 point

No contest here for me.

Side: God