
Debate Info

The citizens The donors
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 The citizens (2)
 The donors (4)

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excon(18262) pic

Who do politicians work for?

The citizens

Side Score: 2

The donors

Side Score: 7
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3 points

Definitely the donors if one of the two has to be picked. In addition to being dependent on them for campaign finance, they usually get incredibly well paid "jobs" from these donors at the end of their term. This isn't to say they don't serve the people at all, but the balance of power is clearly in favor of the donors rather than the demos.

Side: The donors
2 points

Technically it's both answers, and that's why even if they satisfy who holds the money bags they still can get fired by their other boss - the citizens. But unfortunately, the citizens have become simply terrible about firing their bad employees, which mean the money bags get whatever they want.

Side: The donors

George Soros, the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds, and other Globalist elites that want us in a government of despotism that they control.


Side: The donors
excon(18262) Clarified
2 points

Hello bront:

The Mercers, the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson, and other rich pricks who just want MORE for themselves..


Side: The citizens
1 point

The Vanderbilts running CNN, Rupert Murdoch.... they want all real liberals, real conservatives, and moderates divided, so they can justify putting shock collers on us. And they'll pay protesters, stage events and chaos, race bait and use real hate groups to add fuel to the fire. Looks like they are doing a good job.

Side: The citizens
1 point

The 1%! (Which is rapidly growing to two or three percent)! The money gets the grease for the shaft that WE get! (And it's sliding easier and easier with Trump and the conservative Congress and Senate ... and, of course, the conservative SCOTUS)! Gerrymandering and the Electoral College will bring down The United States! We are well on our way to our second oligarchy! Where is Teddy Roosevelt when we need him! Oh....he's dead, guess we are too.

Side: The donors
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

What's wrong Crazy AL the Electoral College only works when Democrats win ? Were any of you Whining Democrats complaining about the Electoral College when Obama was elected twice ?

Side: The citizens
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Obama won the POPULAR VOTE TWICE by OVER 50%. Nobody has done that since Ike! NEWS FLASH! THAT was while the conservative Gerrymandering was nearly complete the first time, and done by the second. The Electoral College went with the YUGE majority of people that didn't like Rmoney OR McCain/Palin. McCain might have won if he hadn't chosen that total argument against "intelligent design" .... Palin!

Few people are crazier than the "outhouse60" rat.

Side: The citizens
1 point

So if they didn't exist, we were all equal, and that meant you had no internet or cable tv, and less money, would that right the "wrong" and make you feel better?

Side: The citizens
1 point

We know where Teddy is. He's busy getting his statues taken down because the left has deemed him the next racist on the hit list.

Side: The citizens
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

The only statues coming down are the statues of traitors to the United States and ITS Constitution. Teddy was no traitor.

If YOU loved the Confederate States of (America?), go there .... and say hello to Jefferson Davis for me. (Enjoy your right wing, white nationalist, racist propaganda piece, I'm not interested.)

Side: The citizens