
Debate Info

Men Women
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:23
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 Men (4)
 Women (8)

Debate Creator

TheThinker(1688) pic

Who has is tough: Men or Women


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 12
1 point

If a woman is drunk and a man has sex with her, she can claim that it was rape because she was not in her right mind to give her consent. In other words, she is not responsible for her actions (the role she played before, during and after the sex) because she was drunk.

If a man is drunk and he rapes a woman, he is held responsible for his actions before, during and after the sex regardless of the fact that he was drunk.

Side: Men
2 points

If a man is drunk and women has sex with him, he can claim it was rape because he was not in his right mind to give consent. In other words, he is not responsible for his actions because he was drunk.

If a women is drunk and she rapes a man, she is held responsible for her actions regardless of the fact she was drunk.

Side: Women
1 point

Really? I'll have to try that. I wonder where I can find a woman who will have sex with me while I'm drunk.

Side: Women
wtxwoman(40) Disputed
1 point

That is really the best argument you can come up with to show how men has it harder (no pun intended) than women? Give me a break. How about the job situation, childrearing, CHILD BEARING! Jeez! Talk about short sighted, narrowminded and shallow. You take the cake.

Side: Women
2 points

Actually, I can come up with something even more shallow. But maybe this will suffice for now: Feminist callforequalityisabunchofcrap

Childrearing... Oh please. I have children. I raised them. It's not that hard.

Child bearing... really? Do you even have kids? My wife was up and about in less than a day.

check my other example down below (unless someone up voted it and it moved up).

Side: Women
1 point

If a man gets a woman pregnant, and she wants to keep the child, she can legally force the father to pay child support for 18 years (216 months)!!!

If a man gets a woman pregnant, and he wants to keep the child, he cannot legally force the mother to carry the baby for 9 months (9 freaking months)!!!

Seems pretty one sided to me.

Side: Men
1 point

If a man looks at a woman in a state of undress he is accused of being a perverted peeping Tom. If a woman sees a naked man he is accused of exposing himself.

Side: Men
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

You're a troll right? You can't possibly be this stupid. There is only one Dana...

Side: Women
1 point

Women have the short end of the stick. Why? Because they are saddled with the pregnancies and all the inconveniences thereof. It takes physical and emotional strength to bear children. One reason that I am thankful being a man.

Side: Women
1 point

Women have always had to work twice as hard to get half the recognition that men get, but, thankfully, it isn't that hard! I held three 'traditionally male jobs' before I stopped working to take care of my ill husband. In each of those positions, I was told by the older men that the younger ones were afraid we could do a better job. They were right, the men we had to compete with for promotions, etc. were often mean and hurtful. I survived in all three positions, but was passed over for raises that were given to men who performed no better if not worse than I did. I was once told that I didn't need a raise because the man that got it had a family to feed. I was in the middle of a divorce, so I guess, that didn't count. Inequality between the sexes is still rampant from what I see.

Side: Women
1 point

Tougher for what?

If we are talking about childbirth, then probably women since men can't give birth.

If we are talking about erectile dysfunction, then probably men since women don't have penes.

Side: Women