
Debate Info

Batman The Flash
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:28
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 Batman (7)
 The Flash (4)

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JakeJ(3255) pic

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Who is cooler?


Side Score: 11
Winning Side!

The Flash

Side Score: 11
2 points

This isn't even a contest. Batman would throw one of his bat shuriken with like a string or something and trip him. Then he'd beat him like a red-headed step child.

A better one would be, which is cooler Aquaman or the Flash... because they're both kind of worthless.

Actually, I'm being hard on the Flash, he is pretty cool.

It's kind of unfair though, any super hero whose best super ability isn't any better than just one of Superman's many super abilities is kind of lame.

Like Batman's the only super hero that Superman can't say "I can do anything you can do better..."

Accept of course the Green Lantern, but now I'm really nerding out, so I'll stop there.

Side: Batman

Batman could use his super gadgets to invisible-fi himself, and wait for flash to come out of his little running circle. Once he's out, BANG! bat-merang!!

Side: Batman
0 points

bang bang bat merang.

Anyways, you are corect, although they would be a good match. Batman is just simply cooler.

Side: Batman
1 point

He's the goddamn batman. The flash ain't got nothin'... on batman that is.

Side: Batman

the flash: ooh look at me, i can run around fast like a stupid olympic runner!

batman: hey, i just put some piano wire up, and since you were going so fast, you chopped your stupid little head off


hehehe, flashes worst enemy=piano wire!

nothing against Flash though, he's my second favorite hero.

look at the vocabulary overlap in this debate and it pretty much pust flashes coolness in perspective.

Side: Batman
1 point

When I went to Six Flags today, I got to take a picture with the Justice League (but Superman was missing...) When I went up to the Flash, he gave me a fist pound and said "Looks like a young Aquaman!" It was hilarious!!! And now I love the Flash! Haha. sort of...

Side: Batman
0 points

Batman is way cooler he is a super hero that wasn't born into it! He uses devices that are realistic and awesome at the same time. The Flash can run fast but Batman could use one of his plethora of devices to halt the Flash in his tracks. There is also the little costume thing Batman looks like a gangster and the Flash looks like a Olympic runner with tomato juice splattered on him.

Side: Batman

The flash would be like running circles around batman and batman would be like, "Stand still so I can use one of my bat gadgets on your ass you little shiite!

Side: The Flash
2 points

hahahahaha thats funny. That would piss batman off so much.

Side: Batman
1 point

well, in a fight the flash would totally win. Batman doesn't even have powers if the flash were to run in to batman ,and tackle him batman would die. ahahahahaah

Side: The Flash

Amen to that...Batman does not even stand a freaking chance!!

Side: The Flash