
Debate Info

Madonna Oprah
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Madonna (2)
 Oprah (2)

Debate Creator

geoff(738) pic

Who is more chillingly ambitious?

Stepping on faces to get what they want.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 6
3 points

Madonna has the most blond ambition.

Like A Virgin
Side: Madonna

Madonna has the prowess and she is an energetic entertainer.

Side: Madonna
5 points

While Madonna is an amazing performer, She has never moved the world the way Oprah did and continues to do. She is a superpower in her own way and has done revolutionary things.

Side: Oprah
1 point

Oprah is unbelievably ambitious. Between her show, production company, and all the work she's doing in Africa it's a wonder she gets any sleep at all. She's really a motivational and influential person who teaches people that they can improve their situation and be whatever they want to be given enough hard work and ambition.

Side: Oprah