
Debate Info

The FBI & The Justice dept Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 The FBI & The Justice dept (2)
 Trump can do no wrong (4)

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excon(18261) pic

Who is the bigger enemy? Trump or the criminal deep state?

The FBI & The Justice dept

Side Score: 3

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 9

I dont really like the FBI as of late. Because they were to involved in trying to blame the Russians that they ignored a tip about the florida shooter. They could’ve done something. But noooo. They had to have all hands on deck about this.

Side: The FBI & The Justice dept

This makes more sense if you think about it.............................................................

Side: The FBI & The Justice dept
3 points


Trump has stated that IF reports the F.B.I. had infiltrated spies into his Presidential Campaign it would be disgraceful and illegal.

He is correct on his assessment of this alleged skulduggery.

Neither parties are enemies of the state.

Both Trump and his F.B.I. tormentors are fighting for America in all and everything they do.

Those wasters who sit farting on a seat and sniping from the sidelines are the REAL ENEMIES.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
2 points

You run and hide you Progressive Lap Dog. Say it ain't so

Side: Trump can do no wrong

The deep state says they are protecting us against Russia, then became like Russia.

Side: Trump can do no wrong