
Debate Info


Annette Taddeo (D)

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R)

Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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Annette Taddeo (D)
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Florida 18th District House of Representatives Race?

Annette Taddeo (D)

Side Score: 6

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R)

Side Score: 10
1 point

Tadeo: Big Words on Economy by a Small-Scale Businesswoman

Taddeo touts her experience in the private sector as a strength in her bid to stimulate the economy. She states, “we need men and women who know first-hand what it takes to create jobs and to promote a strong, vibrant economy.”

True to her Democratic party, she proposes to work for the middle class and create jobs. The candidate proposes to modify the tax system in favor of the middle class.

Yet Taddeo offers few specifics. Indeed, Taddeo’s experience in the private sector has relevance, but how will her experience as a small business owner translate into macroeconomic policy? Further, she states that she will promote “high-quality” jobs, but what exactly does that mean? Perhaps she means high-tech, computer jobs or maybe she means jobs with good benefits and comfortable working conditions. Taddeo will need to get more specific for her promises to translate into a vote.

Supporting Evidence: On the Issues (
Side: Jobs
1 point

How Will Taddeo Balance the Budget?

Under the slogan of “Fiscal Discipline,” Democratic candidate Taddeo proposes to balance the budget while at the same time protecting Social Security and Medicare and stimulate the economy. Taddeo again touts her small business experience to highlight the foolishness of the deficit. She still needs to go a further distance and explain how she will accomplish these feats. Will she cut spending in other programs? Or will she raise taxes? Does she have a revolutionary plan that will shake up the economy? No one knows because Taddeo needs to give voters more details.

Supporting Evidence: On the Issues (
Side: Budget
1 point

Taddeo: Health Care for All - But Children Foremost

Taddeo follows the 2008 Democratic health care narrative, in stating that 47 million Americans lack health insurance. She tailors her message to her potential Floridian constituents in stating that ¼ of all Floridians have no insurance. She also courts the formidable Hispanic vote in citing that 1/3 of all Hispanics in Florida lack coverage.

The candidate appeals to those with health coverage as well. She argues that rising health care costs are forcing people to make difficult financial decisions.

Yet in endorsing the State Childrens Health Insurance Program, Taddeo both promises change and furnishes a plan as well. The program would ensure that all children from working class families would have access to health care.

Like her Democratic brethren, though, the candidate offers few specifics on how exactly universal access will be accomplished. Who will pay for this popular program? Will there be mandates? If so how will they be enforced?

Supporting Evidence: On the Issues (
Side: Health care
1 point

Taddeo and Ros-Lehtinen both seem to have a bias in favor of the cultures they came from, so I would not support either of them enthusiastically. But Taddeo seems to want to act more in this district's best interests by favoring a withdrawal from Iraq. Ros-Lehtinen is a native Cuban and therefore may have a higher likelihood of being voted out if voters decide that illegal immigration is an issue of top priority.

Annette Taddeo (D)
1 point

Generally the Democratic Congressional Candidate for Florida’s 18th District Annette Taddeo does not have anything new to say on ending the war in Iraq and bringing the troops home because it is the same old tedious rhetoric just like the Republican consensus of “staying the course.” So on that topic, there is nothing new.

This past week I discussed how one Congressional Candidate discussed openly his support for Israel and I briefly touched upon how the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi pulled a bill from Congress because an Israeli official told her to. Ms. Taddeo believes that “Israel’s security is non-negotiable” and that the United States can “never negotiate with terrorist bent on destruction.”

For months and possibly years, Democrats and Republicans have been banging the drums to go to war with Iran and Ms. Taddeo is no different by stating, “...never allowing Iran to possess nuclear arms, weapons that once again threaten not only the Jewish people's very survival, but the lives of countless millions throughout the world.”

It is dangerous to have Congressional Candidate stating that Iran cannot do this and cannot do that because they may, keyword may, possess nuclear arms for defense purposes because the United States and its allies keep invading its neighboring countries. The Democratic Congressional Candidate is dangerous on Foreign Policy.

Ms. Taddeo on CBS
Side: Annette Taddeo
1 point

“We should not change or weaken the trade embargo until Cuba makes real democratic changes and frees political prisoners.” How has that worked out? Everything is still basically the same with Cuba. Right now, since my tenure at Create Debate began, I have not seen one candidate discuss ending the embargo against Cuba because, most likely, it is not politically-correct to do so.

Former GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul touched upon this subject in a MSNBC debate and he was booed because again people have been made to believe that the embargo is an important thing to do for the United States and “democracy.”

Side: Annette Taddeo
3 points

The Republican candidate has a substantial fund raising lead over the Democratic challenger. This includes a large amount of PAC donations

Supporting Evidence: fund raising (
Side: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
1 point

Ros-Lehtinen Wields Her Incumbency and Gets Specific on Jobs

Ros-Lehtinen argues, “we must ensure that every American who wants a job can find one.” She voted on increasing the minimum wage from$5.15 to $7.25 an hour. The incumbent also co-sponsored the Financial Security Accounts for Individuals with Disabilities Act which assists the disabled in joining the workforce.

She also tries to support her position when she touts her support of the Economic Stimulus Act. However, since studies have shown that federal checks went towards paying debt and Savings - and not back into the economy - the act has had little effect on the economy.

Supporting Evidence: On the Issues (
Side: Jobs
1 point

Ros-Lehtinen Wields Her Incumbency and Gets Specific on Housing

Despite national coverage of the sub-prime mortgage lending crisis. The effects of the burst are not evenly spread across the nation. Unfortunately for Florida, the effects seem disproportionately felt. A significant number of failing housing developments are taking place in Florida. And the pains are felt by potential home-owners, lenders, and developers alike.

Ros-Lehtinen uses her voting record to appeal to voters and show that she is responding to the crisis. She voted for the FHA Housing Stabilization and Homeowner Retention Act which provides refinancing assistance and protects property values. The Representative co-sponsored the 401Kids Family Savings Act which assists parents who are first-time home buyers finance their children’s education. Though it is too early to say whether these acts are making a difference, Ros-Lehtinen is making an effort.

Supporting Evidence: On the Issues (
Side: Budget
1 point

Ros-Lehtinen’s Limited Approach to Health Care

Representative Ros-Lehtinen offers a less ambitious, less comprehensive policy on healthcare than her Democratic rival. Despite her claim that health care policy needs improvement, the incumbent’s approach to the health care is much more focused and limited. This approach is aims mainly at specific, expensive diseases

She supported a number of acts that target specific diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Treatment and Caregiver Support Act expands services to Alzheimer’s patients and family members. The Annie Fox Act, Colorectal Cancer Early Detection, Prevention and Treatment Act, and the Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act both focus on prevention and research on cancer. While Breast Cancer Patient Protect Action and Community Cancer Care Preservation Act focus on the payment system of health care.

The incumbent lacks a vocal policy on those who are uninsured, the middle class, and less extreme and routine health issues.

Supporting Evidence: On the Issues (
Side: Health care
1 point

United States Republican Congresswoman of Florida’s 18th District Ileana Ros-Lehtinen understands, as most Floridians do, that the Port of Miami and Miami River are essential to Florida’s economic growth.

According to Florida Publications the Port of Miami & Miami River creates over 100,000 jobs and brings in an estimated $15 billion. Rep. Ros-Lehtinen considers the port of Miami the “Cruise Capital of the World” because it brings in “3.7 million passengers” and “757 Cruise Dockings.”

The shipping line is even bigger because it harbours thirty-five shipping lines to one-hundred nations across the globe. On Ms. Ros-Lehtinen’s Congressional Government website she seems to want to have bi-partisanship, “Working together with my colleagues in the South Florida delegation, we have secured over $42 million in federal appropriations to the project. State and local governments have contributed an additional $34 million, leaving us only $10 million away from completing the project. I am committed to working with my colleagues in the Senate and House of Representatives to securing the funds needed to complete this important and much-needed project.”

Focus on Southern Florida
Side: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
1 point

The Florida state also deals, whether it is directly or indirectly, with foreign policy, not just war but also drugs and illegal immigration. However, Rep. Ros-Lehtinen supports the War in Iraq (as you can see in the video below).

As she states on her campaign for re-election website:

“The safety and security of every South Florida family is one of my top priorities. I have worked diligently in Congress to ensure that our federal government has all the tools necessary at its disposal in order to keep us safe.

I voted for the Integrated Deepwater Program Reform Act. This act would modernize our Coast Guard fleet, a vital part of our security apparatus in South Florida.

In conjunction with our South Florida Congressional Delegation, I have secured federal funds for better screening and security at Miami International Airport.”

War in Iraq: Pro-Surge
Side: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
1 point

Whether or not people support the assassination of long-time and now former President of Cuba Fidel Castro. The video below is very important to watch.

Promoting Assassinations?
Side: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
1 point

Ros-Lehtinen Votes Against Bailout

Ros-Lehtinen opposed the bill in large part because it did not go far enough to ensure that tax payers would be paid back or even have an equity stake in the assets should they reap profits. Nor did the bill do enough to limit executive spending or provide adequate oversight. She clearly stated why she opposed the bill,

"It had a sky high price tag and did not address the needs of our hard-working middle class families who are struggling to make ends meet;

Tens of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars will go to foreign investors;

Lucrative corporate salaries will continue; some at a million dollars a month;

The so-called oversight panel can criticize an action but has no authority to stop it;

Only a few of our cash-strapped families will receive mortgage relief;

U.S. taxpayers will get little or no equity upside;

All $700 billion can be spent by January 20th;

No meaningful regulatory reform will occur due to partisan filibusters and delay;

This bill was rushed though the Congressional process without a single hearing;

It is imperative that the needs of our hard-working taxpayers and middle class homeowners come first. The bailout bill fails to do this.”

It is unclear what alternative she supports.

Supporting Evidence: No Bailout (
Side: Bailout