
Debate Info

Shits and Giggles Dunno?
Debate Score:44
Total Votes:44
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 Shits and Giggles (26)
 Dunno? (15)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Why Did God Create the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Etc?

Shits and Giggles

Side Score: 29


Side Score: 15
2 points

The Bible doesn't tell us, but I think he created the moon first, but it didn't work. It didn't have a strong enough gravitational pull hold it's oxygen in. His second attempt was Earth, and that one worked much better, but he was still kind of sentimental about his first attempt, so he hung it up there in the sky for everyone to look at.

Also, it was pretty.

Side: Shits and Giggles

Or maybe he meant the moon to be a night light for his little ones ;)

Side: Shits and Giggles
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

You should write the Bible :)

Side: Shits and Giggles
1 point

It's a dump! What does it do? Nothing so what was the point?

Side: Shits and Giggles
Elvira(3441) Disputed
1 point


Side: Dunno?
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Tides? That's it? God created the Moon just so we could have tides?

Side: Shits and Giggles
1 point

Jupiter protects us from asteroids to prevent earth from being bombarded from them.

The moon stabilizes the earth's axis to allow life.

The outer planets do what Jupiter does to a lesser degree.

I could go on...

Side: Dunno?
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Well, the amount of protection we get from them is minimal... if that is why God created them then he didn't do a very good job. So if he created everything then why did he create Andromeda? Why create trillions of stars, planets, moons, etc just to put life on one tiny little rock? It just doesn't make any sense.

Side: Shits and Giggles
1 point

The Moon reflects the Sun's rays. That way the Sun's rays are always shining on Earth, protecting us from... the darkness.

Side: Shits and Giggles
1 point

There are billions of planets. Maybe that's what he does on his free time. Builds planets lol.

Side: Shits and Giggles
1 point

Yeah... makes sense. He's been around forever and everyone needs a hobby.

Side: Shits and Giggles
1 point

I'm not sure what he had planned when he made asteroids though...

Side: Shits and Giggles
1 point

Uhhhh... so... what's the point? I get why he created Earth and the Sun (let there be light, the Sun is just a giant light bulb, LOL)but why the Moon? Or Mars? Or Io or Europa? And Mercury is just a dump so what was the point?

Side: Dunno?

To control earth's nature :D

Side: Dunno?
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Uhhh... so how does the Moon "control Earth's nature?"

Side: Shits and Giggles
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

With science.

Side: Dunno?
Kite626(714) Disputed
1 point

Tides are caused by a gravitational tug-of-war between the sun, moon, and earth. All objects exert gravitational pull on each other. The closer they are, or the larger they are, the greater the pull. All of the planets exert some gravitational pull on the earth. However, the pull of the moon and sun are most noticeable because the moon is so close to us and the sun is so big. It takes the earth 365 days to revolve around the sun. As it revolves around the sun, it spins, or rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. At the same time, the moon revolves around the earth once every 29 days. The gravitational pull of the sun holds the earth in orbit, while the gravitational pull of the earth keeps the moon in orbit. As a result of this gravitational attraction between the earth and the moon, the side of the earth facing the moon is pulled towards it. Solid objects like the ground and buildings are not distorted as much as liquids like the ocean. A bulge of water occurs on the side of the earth facing the moon. As the earth rotates around the sun, centrifugal force causes an equal bulge of water on the opposite side of the earth. Water is pulled away from these two sides of the earth to form these bulges, or high tides. This leaves a depression, or low spot, in the oceans between. These are the areas of low tides.

Side: Dunno?
1 point

No idea. Why did God create deep-sea worms? They are way out of our reach, and yet n the Bible it states all animals were placed on Earth for man to take advantage of.

Unless, these creatures evolved over time..?

Oh wait, but that's madness..(!)

Side: Dunno?
1 point

Deep sea worms cure cancer... we just haven't figured it out yet.

Side: Dunno?
1 point

My mistake..

I'm converted ;)

Side: Dunno?

There is no reason why God created these pointless things, because he doesn't exist .

Side: Dunno?

If I believed in a god, and had to try to rationalize this, I'd probably try to rationalize this along the lines of thinking, maybe this is god's idea of art?

Side: Dunno?