
Debate Info

To create the narrative They want to hurt blacks
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 To create the narrative (1)
 They want to hurt blacks (4)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Why are cops targeting blacks in areas controlled by Democrats

To create the narrative

Side Score: 1

They want to hurt blacks

Side Score: 4
1 point

Why are cops targeting blacks in areas controlled by Democrats

Hello bront:

Cause blacks are targeting cops in areas controlled by Republicans.


Side: To create the narrative
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Cause blacks are targeting cops in areas controlled by Republicans.

MILLENNIAL do you have any information other than the SPOON FED nonsense from CNN?

Side: They want to hurt blacks
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hay SUPER STUPID can you reference the person that opposes LAW ENFORCEMENT ?

You have 3 choices and the 1st 2 do not count !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: They want to hurt blacks
1 point

Cause blacks are targeting cops in areas controlled by Republicans.

It doesn't look like it. In Portland we literally just watched the far left mayor tell the cops to stand down...and they did. Looks like Libs control these "racist" cops, you know...kind of like they did overtly from about 1920 to say 1950.

Side: They want to hurt blacks
1 point

Cause blacks are targeting cops in areas controlled by Republicans.

I live in a red state controlled by Republicans. The races seem to be getting along very well here. Maybe the racists are all out West.

Side: They want to hurt blacks
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