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 Why did Yeshua Jesus give His Life? (6)

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Redeemed(1428) pic

Why did Yeshua Jesus give His Life?

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1 point

Because his all-loving father screwed him over and made his only 'direct' son be loathed by everyone, save for a few disciples and people they were close to, be made to experience almost total isolation his whole life treated as a circus act to cure the blind etc and end up hung by the very community he helped so much as a false prophet and someone who deserved extra painful death; nailed and dangling by the bone and cartilage, rather than rope. Let to starve and parch to death in the horrifically harsh and dry sun and climate of the time and place.

This is why he gave his life, because his all-powerful father decided to toy with him and sadistically abuse him.

Your answer is in John 3:16.

1 point

I love that verse, so true! Jesus is so amazing. WOW, what a God we serve that payed the price for our sins. I just wonder why Jesus chose to die on the cross, and not by sword? Why did He have to be trtured to death? I know the death of Jesus was a needed freewill sacrifice, but why did torture have to be involved? Either way, I truly love Jesus.

He didn't give his life, you are just a child trapped in a fat grown woman's body who believes in fairy tales.

1 point

Wanna tell us about your vision of a nationless world where trees with limitless fruit that planted themselves exist so that no one has to labor and everyone is equal there Dumbowank?

Redeemed(1428) Disputed
1 point

Jesus loves you, honey..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................