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 Why do westerners like criticizing and Chinese like praising? (5)

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Why do westerners like criticizing and Chinese like praising?

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I'm multicultural..................................................................................................................................................................................

1 point

I'm multicultural.

Then why are your political and theological attitudes so strongly aligned with those of the culture you grew up in? You are 100% American and the fact that you like belly dancing and chinese food doesn't change that. The only thing that will change it is if you learn how to start thinking outside the box of American politics and Judeo-Christian theology.

1 point

I get my religious beliefs from Israel, my political from cennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntrists, and as a dannnnnnnnnnnnnncer, I get my dannnnnnnncing annnnnnnd musical tastes from India. I don't feel the need to be a conservative, to be a Republicannnnnnnnnnnnnn. I actually agree with differing cultures on individual issues, and prefer not to paint with a broad brush. I hope that helps.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Chinese food has a very good flavor when cooked by illegal mexicans.

1 point

Flyed rice is not worth any Chinese praise. That is un-American.