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 Why does AlofRI receive regular intelligence briefings from the Chinese government? (6)

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Aur0ra(158) pic

Why does AlofRI receive regular intelligence briefings from the Chinese government?

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1 point

Why does AlofRI receive regular intelligence briefings from the Chinese government?

Hello A:

Recently, a great American patriot named Alexander Vindman, gave testimony before congress.. Like you're doing to Al, Trump accused him of treason too.

Truth is, if those guys are traitors, count me IN..


SunTzuv2(52) Disputed
1 point

If you think Trump is bad enough to commit treason on for China, you have no idea about China. Chinese leaders are Trump-like on a good day, they're just more subtle about it. They treat their poor like garbage, everyone is a disposable pawn on their chess board.

1 point

Chinese leaders are Trump-like on a good day, they're just more subtle about it.

How does one be subtle about being fat, stupid and orange?

1 point

Truth is, if those guys are traitors, count me IN.

You're not a traitor. Just a liar and a bully.

1 point

AW JEEZ! Putin's guys are spreading crap again ……. and the same weak minded people are sucking it up!

I don't even speak Chinese! It's probably Putin's favorite outlaw ….. the Chinaman ….. that's shoveling that sh*t. He's well trained …. follows the state news (FOX) propaganda style. He can't spell or even read well, but, he shovels like an expert! ;-)

In training ... are you?? ;-)

What the actual fuck is going on? Have you been "hacked" again? I'm starting to see right through you.