
Debate Info

Site is liberally biased No free speech
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:18
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 Site is liberally biased (4)
 No free speech (7)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28599) pic

Why is Obama a choice for your picture on createdebate, but Trump is not?


Site is liberally biased

Side Score: 5

No free speech

Side Score: 8
1 point

Hello again, bront:

Want MORE proof the site is liberal??? Free speech is NOT just a slogan around here.. It's REAL. I have NEVER been moderated on this site. I don't even know if there ARE moderators. I'll bet you've never been censored either.

Ain't liberalism the tits??


Side: Site is liberally biased
1 point

So why is there no Trump icon to choose from Con? Liberal bias?

Side: No free speech
0 points

Hello bront:

It does appear liberal.. That's why YOU have a voice.. If it were right wing, I wouldn't have a voice..

Aren't liberals wonderful??


Side: Site is liberally biased
Antrim(1287) Disputed
1 point

You are a shallow black enamelled racist who has openly declared his hatred for white people.

I attest that segregation should be reintroduced into every aspect of of life, including social media sites and debating forums so decent folks do not have to suffer the violence and criminal activities of ''THE BONGO''.

The only time ''THE BONGO'' ever earned their keep was when they were slaves.

Even the bucket of stew you received for working all day in the cotton fields was wayyy too much.

The whip and starvation rations was the only way to keep you vermin under control.

Side: No free speech
1 point

Aren't liberals wonderful??

If you need a Starbucks destroyed or a Muslim's car burned down... then yes...

Side: No free speech
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

You ask aren't Liberals wonderful?

If viable late term babies had a voice, and could answer your question, considering what you support doing to them, they would say you complete hypocritical inhuman moron!

Side: No free speech
2 points

You might also ask why all the other Presidents who actually did a good job are not a choice as well.

It's funny how the worst President in our lifetimes is the only choice.

Side: No free speech
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

He said Trump wasn't a choice. Pay attention.

Side: Site is liberally biased
1 point


Just joking, You're a bit late though don't you think? Not really 'sticking it to the man' type of stuff to be posting trumps face now is it? On createdebate of all places, how courageous of you, you silly puppy :p

Side: No free speech
1 point

How's your mom doing jackson? I haven't seen her since I made that visit last week.

Side: Site is liberally biased
xljackson(260) Disputed
1 point

Don't you mean the last time she visited you?

You remember yeah? She's that friendly nurse that comes and wipes your bum and does everything else a full grown disabled man can't do for himself... :)

Side: No free speech