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 Why is america so fat? (11)

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boomersman(41) pic

Why is america so fat?

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America is wealthy enough in two categories: One, there is a great abundance of food, and two, labor productivity using machines has increased so far that we are getting lazy.

1 point

First world problem. We have a very large amount of food but our bodies have not generally evolved enough to get used to it. Many of us still have an "eat as much as possible" mentality that comes from a more primitive time when food was scarce.

As well, agriculture is something that our bodies are not built to eat (wheat, bread, stuff like that).

It's not like we NEED to evolve for a problem like this to go away (if it really is even a problem). It just takes some discipline.

And... end corn and wheat subsidies :3

1 point

The majority of Americans are susceptable to persuasive advertisment which instills an instant gratification/ want-over-need mentality.

But to put it rather simply, the reason so many Americans are overweight is because they consume more calories than the burn.

1 point

because people don't exercise they just sit on the couch and play video games 24/7 and they don't eat the right food, they eat junk food that is why

Yah Fools

1 point

American government doesn't take serious measures to fight against obesity : for example there could be ads to promote vegetables and fruits (in France, for example, any alimentary ad must specify not to eat too salty, healthy, to practice sport…), or raise the prices of sodas. But lobbies are very influent.

There is also a problem with the education system : a lot of schools give sweet drinks, french fries… children will take bad habits and will go on eating this unhealthy food !

Finally, maybe this is also an economic problem : eating vegetables is more expensive (and by far) than eating at Mac Donald's… as a consequence, the social-discriminated people, poor people are more likely to become obese.

1 point

I agree with much of what you have to say. If only there were big margins and demand for drive through veggies. The closest we have come is the salad. Most restaurants offer them, but few take advantage of them.

1 point

Because they are the worst country in the 1st world, aside from France.

1 point

Why's that? Because we're more powerful? America is in the top 20 for technology, education, development, and everything else.

We have the best colleges on the planet. Few people starve. We have a vast amount of liberties. Oh, and while we were forming a secular government, you were executing people for speaking back to the king and queen. We have secular schools and a secular government (aside from our money: "In God We Trust"). You have a monarch and a state religion.

And you say we're the worst country on Earth?

Axmeister(4311) Disputed
2 points

"Why's that? Because we're more powerful? America is in the top 20 for technology, education, development, and everything else."

As are nearly all the other countries in the first world.

"We have the best colleges on the planet."

Purely a matter of opinion.

"Few people starve."

Very few countries in the 1st world have that level of poverty.

"Oh, and while we were forming a secular government, you were executing people for speaking back to the king and queen."

Britain has had overseas colonies for half a millennium, at one period it could be safely said that we controlled the world, all this while USA was barely a proper country.

You claim that Britain is backwards when it is your country that still allows it's citizens to carry arms and also allow state excecutions.

"We have secular schools and a secular government (aside from our money: "In God We Trust"). You have a monarch and a state religion. "

I don't see how you can take pride in being part of a godless society. Britain also has a lot more freedom of religion than America does.

"And you say we're the worst country on Earth?"

When did I say that?

1 point

Please, take no offence, but, from my experience it's because they seem so opinionated! "It's my life, i'll do what i want with it ( i wanna doughnut...)"!

So many people do not walk. So many people don't exercise.