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 Why is creationism ridiculous? (14)

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Skaruts(195) pic

Why is creationism ridiculous?

I challange creationists to watch these 36 videos (if you haven't already) without giving up at some point (I'm not asking you to see them all in one go, though), and I challange creationists to try to understand what creationism is really about. I challange creationists to accept what has been confirmed through rigorous tests in a zero tolerance context (where forging of information leads to lawsuits and severe penalties), I challange creationists to open their eyes.

(Why do people laugh at creationists?)

Since creationism is majorly made of people who don't know anything they're talking about, and who too often contradict each other and themselves, what makes you still "believe" in it?

I strongly recomend these videos to everyone, even evolutionists, mainly because they show you how "evil" criationism is being to our society, especially to our young children, by brainwashing people, distorting information in media broadcasts (with forged proof sometimes), raising money from the delusioned people, slowing and sabotaging science advancements and knowledge,  etc

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2 points

Seems like name of videos should be Why is this creationists an idiot. Didnt know one person could acount for an entire grp of people . I never got to vote for an 18 yr old kid to be the mouthpiece for creationism. Only watched 2 videos but really making some scientist wanna be 18 year old with no idea what hes saying look dumb isnt that hard.

4 points

I am an agnostic atheist who strongly supports evolution, and spend most of my time on this site debating creationists. I have also seen this series all the way through. All that being said, I find your assessment fair, at least as far as the earlier episodes are concerned. It is true that as the series starts out Thunderf00t picks some of the most ludicrous arguments from some of the bigger idiots in creationism, and that these specific arguments are not necessarily indicative of the whole movement. Although he never quite lets go of VenomFangX, as the series progresses he does single out higher profile creationism proponents (Kent Hovind, Ray Comfort, the Discovery Institute, Sarah Palin, Ben Stein) and moves into more central points of the debate. Towards the end he describes why he feels the way he does, and why he so passionately supports science and attainment of information.

"I never got to vote for an 18 yr old kid to be the mouthpiece for creationism."

Totally fair statement. The point of this series, however, is to highlight that the difference between VenomFangX and the more central members of the movement is a mighty thin line, and at the end of the day, the only real line of delineation between them is the level of eloquence and education that they display (and even that is hardly universal). Thunderf00t's point, I believe, is that the creationism side of the debate is not one of intellectuality but of emotion masquerading as intellect.

I like his series, I find it both entertaining and informative, but I think a much better series on the subject is AronRa's "Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism."

1 point

I like his series, I find it both entertaining and informative, but I think a much better series on the subject is AronRa's "Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism."

I don't think I knew that one. Thanks for the link. I like what this guy is doing too (particularly this video):

Also, I agree with you. VenomFartX is pretty much the same as the others, the diference is merely the context in which they speak through. Youtube may not seem too "dangerous" at first, but it can be just as much as the talk show on TV. And that makes these guys a bit of a problem...

And btw, one important aspect of TF's videos is the underlining of what the academic level of science is about. This is one of the most common misconceptions. People tend to believe that they aren't very sure of anything, when in reality they don't approve anything as true if they aren't sure of it. And he also mentions zero tolerance in science. I didn't know about that, but if it's is really true, then it makes me feel even safer in my perspective of science.

1 point

Seems like name of videos should be Why is this creationists an idiot.

Nah, it's not just him. It would be a relief if it was only that kid. That's why this guy made so many videos, it's a lot of people, and a lot of misconceptions.

And I think he still didn't reach the end of it yet...

1 point

This is hilarious :)

1 point

That guy has such an stereotypical brittish accent!