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 Why the hurt feelings? (7)

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NowASaint(1380) pic

Why the hurt feelings?

Why do atheists get their feelings hurt when you tell them God loves them?  Why do they have to fly off into a tizzy fit?  Why would anybody want to be unloved by God?  Why do they think "It's my way even if the highway takes me to Hell"?  Why?   Why does the Bible say God will mock them when their world crumbles in on them and they cry out to the only One who could help?
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1 point

I've seen Christians cry when I told them I was atheist..

NowASaint(1380) Disputed
1 point

Well it is sad knowing you are on your way to Hell. So they care about you, and you don't care. Sometimes I cry over people I know are going to Hell, asking God to get through to them even though they are blocking Him out.....they don't hurt my feelings, it is not easy to watch people falling down to Hell. I would save them myself if I could but I"m not the Savior. Only the Savior can save them.

Thanks for your input, I think you've said enough here. Send me a private message if you want to talk.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I would unban you here but it says the debate has ended....

1 point

Watch how nicely this works........

I can change the word "Christian" for "atheists" and present a very accurate argument....

Why do Christians get their feelings hurt when you tell them that their god does not exist?

Why do they fly off into a tizzy fit?

Why would anybody believe in god, when there is no evidence? let alone, proof?

Why do they think "It's my way or your are going to to Hell"? Why?

Why does the Bible say God killed so many inoocents? Including children?

What will Christians do when science and logic finally completely crumble their false belief system? As it has steadily been doing for decades?

See how well we can turn the tables here?

Easy, peasy....Japanesey.


NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

See ya, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya! And for crying out loud, quit whining, it's not possible for you or I to justify ourselves. God loves you. Don't get mad about it.

1 point

Why do atheists get their feelings hurt when you tell them God loves them?

Christians don't tell atheists that God loves them. They say the opposite.

Why would anybody want to be unloved by God?

This question directly contradicts your first question. How can you claim to say that God loves atheists and claim that there is a way to be unloved by God?

Why do they think "It's my way even if the highway takes me to Hell"?

They don't think that way. Why do you ask why people think something they don't think. Why do you think "it's ok to rape children"?

Why does the Bible say God will mock them

When you create a fake god to control people you need to add parts that attack people who don't believe. Otherwise, you lose control.

when their world crumbles in on them and they cry out to the only One who could help?

The world only crumbles for theists and theists are the only ones crying out.

NowASaint(1380) Disputed
1 point

Cartman, I know you hate God, and I know it's unlikely that anybody reading this will be persuaded to repent of all their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ yet I am constrained to speak the truth and rebuke lies. This is about obeying God, you are all about obeying your lusts in whatever way they express themselves. Whatever power you feel you have is nothing but borrowed time. You need to be saved and I hope you get saved but by the way you act and talk it seems pretty clear that you are going to wake up in Hell and get the proof of it's fire which you have demanded many times saying it cannot be proven. You're a fool, Cartman, and I really do hope you stop being a fool and prove me wrong on my observation of where you are going in your dying state.

1 point

Because your arguments, combined, belong to a set of all possible worthless arguments.

Proof? You're trying to sympathise with those who are better than resorting to believing such things. And you're banning others you can't directly confront.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I'm not making arguments, I'm presenting the truth and you have a problem with it and feel you have to argue in quite nasty fashion. If the things I'm saying are worthless, why do you feel it's worth your time to fight against what I'm saying? Do you think that as long as you can resist, you can keep yourself out of Hell?

I'm banning you first for insulting my by sayign I'm making arguments, second by saying the things I say are worthless (obviously a bold faced lie or you would not be paying for my writings by spanding your time responding), and third for insulting me by saying I can't directly confront you. You get in my face with plain hatred for what I'm saying and believe me, I restrain myself while I confront you. If you were standing in my house now, I would be more than happy to directly confront you and demand you turn and walk out and if you continued standing in my face with your jack ass attitude I would be happy to throw you out forcefully. So in this scenario where you are sticking your dirty attitude in my debate and I have the power to ban you, you are banned you punk.


Slappy and I have a history and an understanding here. He says nothing new and has issues controlling his temper enough to keep his language clean. I am not obliged to allow abusive conduct like yours and Slappy's in my discussions. Maybe you and Slappy can be friends, why don't you go talk to him in your banned condition before either of you wakes up in Hell permanently banned where there will be no pleasure in talking to anybody.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You're kinda new here, so let me fill you in. I've spent a lot of time going back and forth with people I'm banning now. You want to pull me in to your never ending atheistic communistic philosophers who cant' get their mud out of dying, and you want to drag me through your mud as if by getting your stink on me you prove you are as good as me and if I'm not going to Hell then you think you are not going to Hell. You're a high minded fool. You're dying and need to be saved. You are not as smart as God, you are not stronger than God, you are not as good as God, you are good for one thing only and only that thing you can guarantee because you have no choice in it...dying; that's all you're good for, that's all your goodness amounts to. Only God can save you and you seem to enjoy your bitterness of dying. You're only committing suicide slowly in your bitterness and hatred toward God. It's you who has no real argument against these things because you can only pretend to deny the truth. You've got your brain so twisted with atheistic communistic brainwashed garbage that all you can do is spit out hatred when you see the truth, and fool yourself into thinking that you stand in your own right....even when you have no right to stand and have one foot in the grave and the other on thin ice melting over the fire of Hell. You're not standing in life, and you're sure not going to stand in my house insulting me like a smarty pants punk who thinks he's all that plus a bag of chips.

1 point

I would unban you but the debate has ended .