
Debate Info

Possibly I Don't Think So
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Possibly (1)
 I Don't Think So (3)

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PhxDemocrat(13095) pic

Will The Next James Bond Be A Black Male?

After "Spectre" starring Daniel Craig, do you think the next James Bond will be a Black male?


Side Score: 1

I Don't Think So

Side Score: 3
1 point

aww, when i only saw the title i figured this was a satire on Barrack Obama

Side: Possibly
1 point

Look at the name, now come and tell me that that's a black guy's name.

Side: I Don't Think So

Oh god no! That will never happen and I will never let that happen to Hollywood..

Side: I Don't Think So

It's been repeatedly showing a white male and never a black male. I don't think it's because of racial issues, but I don't think it's easy to explain either.

Side: I Don't Think So