
Debate Info

I seriously doubt it. Wait..., what? Of course!!!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 I seriously doubt it. (7)
 Wait..., what? Of course!!! (3)

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jolie(9810) pic

Will there be life after the election?

Some will move to Canada, or back to Kenya, and others will stay and then we'll have 4 years of debating how well the POTUS is doing.  Either way, there should be life after the election unless the POTUS launches a nuclear war.  In that case, all bets are off.

I seriously doubt it.

Side Score: 8

Wait..., what? Of course!!!

Side Score: 6

Hillary will try to control areas currently controlled by Russia, and the Chinese, the Russians, and the Iranians will finally get pissed at us controlling their territory. The Saudis will side with us, because we love the instigators of 9/11, and we will have WWIII in the Middle East between all major world powers. Any questions?

Side: I seriously doubt it.
1 point

I have a question. Where can we get the drugs you are on?

Side: I seriously doubt it.
DBCooper(2194) Clarified
1 point

Plenty of drugs coming across the border. Is there any need to question that ?

Side: I seriously doubt it.

We cannot believe the polls whoever wins. there will be turmoil in the streets, and then the good ol' government will put us in a federal emergency state. initiate the bullshit powers that come with Obama's addition to Cogcon zero, and make the average citizen their bitch. starving the nation into submission for an absolute regime


God I hope I'm wrong.

Side: I seriously doubt it.

That looks to be a

Side: I seriously doubt it.
1 point


Side: I seriously doubt it.
3 points

We can debate whether or not to impeach the POTUS for 4 years!!! ;)

Side: Wait..., what? Of course!!!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

You MAY be right, you MAY not. If Trump practices "The Art of the Deal" with Putin, I question whether what we live will BE life. What a colossal DEAL the sale of America would be! To EITHER Putin OR the Evangelicals or Koch's, etc.

Today, it would only take about an hour to make that "life" not worth living! I cannot trust a consummate "deal maker" with it.

Americans killed after Bush .... 6000+.

Isis taking over the middle east after Bush ... fairly easily.

Americans killed after Obama ... a handful in comparison.

Isis retreating after Obama ... yep.

HRC as President with foreign affair experience ... Americans killed? A few, likely.

Trump with a attitude as President ... Americans killed after we "Bomb the Hell out of them".. likely MANY

I'll take the diplomatic route, it's slow, but much safer. We don't need another American President that can't travel to other countries because they would like to arrest him for war crimes. We don't need a nuclear winter!

Side: I seriously doubt it.
2 points

You do realize that Nuclear Winter effectively fixes Global Warming, right? ;)

Side: Wait..., what? Of course!!!
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

ISIS was never heard of until Obama and Hillary came along. ISIS is not retreating under Obama. He said they were the JV Team. Hillary does not have any foreign affair experience at all. What is your President Obama doing going into Mosul ?

Side: I seriously doubt it.
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

As a result of the visit, Giustra got major mining concessions, which were approved by the Kazakhstan government. Kazakhstan got Bill Clinton publicly to praise its alleged progress in democracy and human rights. The Clintons received a $31 million donation to their Foundation from Giustra, along with a pledge to donate $100 million more.

The deal with Kazakhstan made Giustra’s company, Uranium One, a major player. It proceeded to buy large amounts of holdings in the United States, and became an attractive target for Russia. A Russian company made a hugely attractive offer to purchase the company. Uranium One agreed to the purchase.

Tell me the Clinton's aren't in bed with Russia you dummy Democrat ! Do you know any facts at all ?

Side: I seriously doubt it.