
Debate Info

He is right. He is wrong.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 He is right. (5)
 He is wrong. (2)

Debate Creator

Sitar(3680) pic

Women are not smart? Please watch.

I think he is right and I respect him.

He is right.

Side Score: 6

He is wrong.

Side Score: 2
2 points

I would have to agree that bigotry and stereotypical views are preventing many people from recognising that diversity is quite poignant in recognising that we should approach people as individuals and I take the opportunity to add that we still live in a male dominated world where gender equality has advanced but still has a long way to go.

Side: He is right.
1 point

Thank you. I agree. .

Side: He is right.
1 point

Thank you. I agree. .

Side: He is right.
1 point

is he calling women fool bcoz she misunderstands her inferior??anyone please answer

Side: He is right.
1 point

I couldn't disagree even if I wanted to.


Side: He is right.

I agree that generalizations about groups of people are inaccurate. However, the guy couldn't even make it through his own diatribe without making the same generalizations he was denouncing (e.g. Tea Partiers are on the opposite end of the intelligence gamut from super geniuses).

In all fairness to the guy, I missed any valid points he made after the 4 minute mark. I couldn't take it anymore.

Side: He is wrong.

Though I've not seen the footage but if you say so to the current German Chancellor or even Hilary Clinton,or let us take Sunita Williams well let me guess they would issue their own footage showing how "MEN ARE THE ACTUAL BULL-HEADED BLOKES ".

Side: He is wrong.