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 Would the world be different if women were president? (5)

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AlmostAlice(21) pic

Would the world be different if women were president?

No war, equal rights, and more charity...sweet!

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2 points

Is a female democrat so fundamentally different than a male democrat? Is a female republican fundamentally different than a male republican?

1 point

A female president does not necessarily equal those things, for instance if Palin was elected you would probably have more war, less rights overall and definitely less charity for those downtrodden who need it.

1 point

No .

1 point

The only difference it would probably make is that all official meetings would be a fashion parade.. And since they are older Women and they are Politicians.. It would be a fashion disaster... And Women are no greater.. Nor any worse than Men!

I think if a woman were to be President in the United States, there would be less emphasis on the military and much more humanitarian.