
Debate Info

Hell, yeah!!! Hell, no!
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Hell, yeah!!! (9)
 Hell, no! (2)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

Would you like to be a teacher?

Hell, yeah!!!

Side Score: 9

Hell, no!

Side Score: 2
1 point

Teacher can be fun if like talking! Kids grow.... to future get a job. :p

Side: Hell, yeah!!!
1 point

Kindergartner: When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute. I will get lots of money and be rich!

Side: Hell, yeah!!!
1 point

Did you see the video? Please see the video ;)

Side: Hell, yeah!!!
1 point

For the kids? Yeah. To help teach a new generation of children I think would be a great deal of fun, difficult sure but fun. The one thing that will put me into the No category though would be the parents. Seriously, I deal with the college system and have to work with the parents of college students more often than I like and it's a toss up between which feels most entitled and who is most obnoxious, parents or professors. Typically the parents win out because their precious little snowflakes can't do ANY wrong and would NEVER lie to them or procrastinate with doing something vital until after offices close for the day, or go out and relax on the weekends and not answer the phone when it's a call from the parent....noooooo, sure they wouldn't.

Side: Hell, yeah!!!
1 point

Did you see the video? Please see the video ;)

Side: Hell, yeah!!!
1 point

HAH no fair....sadface I want to be a lesbian. Kids are freaking great sometimes, I think awkward moments like that (which I'm sure teachers get) would be awesome memories.

Side: Hell, yeah!!!
1 point

Not even for the lolz ;)

Side: Hell, no!
jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

In case you haven't figured it out yet, this debate is about watching the video ;)

Side: Hell, yeah!!!
1 point

I taught undergrads while I was in graduate school. Although it was fine I can't imagine doing that for a lifetime. Hard work, long hours, endless grading. And unless you have a class full of gifted students there's always a subsection not doing well whom you're either troubled by because you can't seem to turn it around together or whom are upset with you because they don't understand why they can't just be potatoes and get passing grades.

Side: Hell, no!