
Debate Info

a older humanoid race created the christians god created man
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 a older humanoid race created (5)
 the christians god created man (5)

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akashicG(7) pic

alien creation or gods creation

a older humanoid race created

Side Score: 8

the christians god created man

Side Score: 9
3 points

Much more likely than the idea that we were created by magic.

Side: a older humanoid race created
1 point

I am fairly certain aliens created man...and used the Bible to control with fear

Side: a older humanoid race created
1 point

To say that an older race created us leaves the same questions that we asked before. What created that older race?

Side: a older humanoid race created
1 point

Evidence and science point to the big bang and live developed naturally..I am inclined to believe that there is a spiritual realm...and that there are multiple deminsions.. there's 11 million witness to alien life coming to it's easy to believe that if aliens were thousands of years older they could create life genetically.. we create family animal now what will we doo in a million years....

Side: a older humanoid race created
2 points

god but i think god IS an alien, a humanoid being living on another planet...

Side: the christians god created man
2 points

I don't believe in God, but I also don't believe in Aliens.

And considering that if life were created by aliens, who the fuck made the aliens. Were THEY spontaneous?

I really say neither. But to avoid a paradox, I'd find that life was created by God... a supernatural magic thing.

Side: the christians god created man
2 points

There is nothing that really supports the theory of aliens creating the universe... But there are several things that supports the fact that God created us!

Side: the christians god created man
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

There is nothing that really supports the theory of aliens creating the universe...

this debate isn't about aliens creating the universe it's about aliens creating humans.

But there are several things that supports the fact that God created us!

Which are?

Side: a older humanoid race created
2 points

I belive that God did create us. ALL of us.

I like to think that there are aliens but he made them.

Side: the christians god created man
1 point

aliens? youve got to be kidding. even the big bang theory doesnt agree with it

Side: the christians god created man