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 backstabbing bestfriends (2)

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Tinkerbell16(23) pic

backstabbing bestfriends

is it everyday that you hear bestfriends are seperating because of backstabbing or dishonesty in the friendship.Why are you involed in friendship if you know in your heart that your not going to be true to it. my conclusion to this is to scrap bestfriends and just have aquaintances that way even if you get hurt you wont feel any way bacause you were not deep in the friendshipSealed

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1 point

I disagree. Best Friends are essential to have in one's life. The backstabbing, so-called "Best Friend", usually seems to be a woman's issue. In most cases, a man's best friend is loyal and will stick by him to the very end. (and no, I don't mean a dog.) Regardless, be careful who you befriend. A best friend is gained slowly throughout your lifetime. You can't just pick someone and say, "They're my new best friend." It doesn't work like that. A Best Friend just kind of happens.

Side: Best Friends are essential
1 point

welcome to the harsh, harsh world of reality the sooner you realise this the further your going to get in life

Side: Best Friends are essential