
Debate Info

bad for kids good for kids
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 bad for kids (4)
 good for kids (3)

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winterandsno(6) pic

divorce is good for kids

the base is simple is having you parents get a divorce bad or good for a child mentel well being.

bad for kids

Side Score: 7

good for kids

Side Score: 4

I don't think it's necessarily bad itself, especially depending upon the reason for the divorce (if it is to get rid of an abusive parent, I'd say that it's almost definitely a good thing) but in general, it's better to have a healthy home situation as opposed to an unhealthy one. Losing a parent, or having to constantly change homes, or to just go through a change from two parents to one can be very stressful and troubling for children, especially younger ones.

Side: bad for kids
2 points

It can not be stated enough that having to constantly change where you live because of a divorce between your parents, is more than just a "life changer," it's a "life terror."

Side: bad for kids

there are a ton of factors that would/could differ from each situation. overall...its probably bad. but i think the whole idiotic concept of marriage is more to blame. a child thats raised by 2 worthy adults, being separated from the start can turn out just good as a kid raised by unseparated married couple.

when it comes to divorce, the father usually gets it the worse. but hey, the dumb fuck deserves it for getting married and not pulling out.

Side: bad for kids
Mamorui(8) Clarified
1 point

I do not mind that you believe the concept of marriage is more to blame for divorce situations, however it's certainly not idiotic "... the one thing men CANNOT do, is bear children, and the one thing women CANNOT do is day after day of actual HARD manual labour. so marriage was created, to trade our surplus labour for you're ability to bear children."

Side: bad for kids
1 point

Kids shouldn't be married in the first place.

Side: good for kids
Mamorui(8) Disputed
1 point

The debate is primarily concerned with how the divorcing of parents will affect their child mentally. There is nothing that implies a concern over any kids marrying each other within this discussion. As for my argument, although there are many factors that are dependent on the specific situation, it's generally bad for young children to experience one.

Side: bad for kids
1 point

My mother got married and divorced 5 times... we moved almost every year.

I'm not saying it was all fun, but I think I turned out ok. Divorce is a miserable experience - but primarily for the spouses. The children will survive it and learn from it.

Side: good for kids

Im glad my Mom divorced my father and refused to be a slave to him.

Side: good for kids