
Debate Info

non lying Lying
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:17
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 non lying (6)
 Lying (5)

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dtingirl(5) pic

lying vs non lying

If someone asked you if their breathe smelled and it did indeed? Would you say the truth?


non lying

Side Score: 9


Side Score: 5

I would tell them the truth. If they asked, they probably suspect the truth so why lie to them?

Side: non lying
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

You could even bypass the question by saying, "Regardless, a breath mint won't hurt." ;)

Side: non lying

If they don't know the truth they might take actions that would they would have otherwise not taken had they known the truth.

Side: non lying
1 point

"I don't know and I ain't gonna smell it to find out! Get outta my space you stanky ass nut"

Or something along those lines.

Side: non lying

Brutal honesty over fake bullshitting any day. I think one big way in which mainstream society is fucked up is that we aren't honest with each other, we instead hide behind this facade of arbitrary manners and customs which have no real function other than to keep things from changing.

Side: non lying

I'd clearly say, "Assface your breath doesn't smell bad. "

Side: non lying
1 point

LYING VS NON LYING I would definitely lie. Because I'm not an asshole.

Side: Lying
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

What if your friend's mother gets run over by a car and she's dead. Your friends calls you and asks you if she's alright... what? You're going to be all like... "Yeah, yeah... she's good... I mean she looks alright to me..."?

And what are you doing hanging out with your friend's mother anyway??? That's a little weird, just sayin'.

Side: non lying
Revolt(200) Disputed
1 point

I was referring to the example that OP had in her topic description (bad breath)

Side: Lying
1 point

Of course I will not say the truth !! I don't want a fist flying off aimed at my face !!

Side: Lying

I don't want to hurt another person's feelings, so, I don't think this type of a lie is wrong.

Side: Lying
1 point

the problem is that you have to lie in order to keep your own privacy and secrets.:)

Side: Lying