
Debate Info

its ok to drink, why not no you shouldn't drink it
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 no you shouldn't drink it (4)

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11wolf(679) pic

monster drinks good or bad for you

Ok about these monster drinks, many people drink them but some people scold them for drinking it saying you shouldn't drink it.  What do you think about this drink?

its ok to drink, why not

Side Score: 0

no you shouldn't drink it

Side Score: 4
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1 point

Its not good for u so u shouldn't drink it but its a great taste

Side: no you shouldn't drink it
1 point

I could see that, even though I like to drink monsters I still believe its bad for you.

Side: no you shouldn't drink it

I am pretty sure water is the only thing good for you and these drinks killed some people.

Side: no you shouldn't drink it
11wolf(679) Clarified
1 point

To tell you there is more than water that is good for you. Also it really depends on how you look at things.

Side: its ok to drink, why not

You should drink Red Bull instead. Screw that Monster crap!

Side: no you shouldn't drink it