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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 YES (8)
 NO (1)

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dacey(1040) pic

rights of naturally born citizens

 Too often i am racially attacked by immigrants in my own country. To retalliate , risks being in all sorts of trouble , as you are likely to be accused of racism. I feel that i am starting to lose my rights as an Australian over those immigrants that we welcome to Australia , as when they come they bring there strict cultural / religious beliefs with them and i find that despite us welcoming them and there ways , they often critisize ours.  My Question is - Are the rights of immigrants to a country more favoured  than the rights of naturally born citizens to a country?   


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 1
1 point

On quite a few occasions usually during summertime i have been subjected to racial attacks usually by fully clad muslim women. eg: One summer as i was crossing the road ,a fully clad muslim women , in a ford yelled at me " YOU fucking Aussie Slut!!" I just looked myself up and down( singlet ,shorts ,thongs ) , looked at her and yelled back " Get out of your car , get back on your camel and fuck off then!!!" She said nothing. IF people hate the west then they should stay in the east or if people dont like a countries culture then dont go there , stay in your own country!!!!As far as the woman in the ford goes , she is the racist , i just returned the favour !

Side: yes
2 points

Speaking as a muslim who is a born Canadian, with immigrant parents, extremists like the woman you mention, are just disgusting. You are right, she is the racist.

I do think I should be able to keep my culture while living in a western country though. There is a very fine line though because, if I expect YOU to respect my beliefs, I then must respect YOURS.

Just because a culture/religion tells someone to eat, dress and act a certain way, does not give them the right to attack others who do not agree.

Side: No
2 points

Thanxs kamranw , for understanding exactly what i was saying. My strict Hungarian grandfather was an extremist also . He would do things that reflected communist Hungary even though he took his family(my grandmother , my mum and her siblings) and immigrated to what he considered a better country at the time , seeking a better life for them. But i was born here and grew up here .I would do things as Aussie teenagers do things. This would make him furious , he would start cursing me half in english , half in Hungarian , sometimes i think he even cursed me in German. It took a long time for me to weedle out such things as corporal punishment from my family. At 14 , I and even some of my catholic/muslim/jewish/morman Aussie born friends also was going to school with welts from the jug cord / plank of wood or cane that we would so often recieve for doing the same petty things that our fellow Aussie mates were doing , but instead , they were being punished in the form of groundings , loss of privledges or even just a stern talking to.And with me the whole family would be informed of my rebelion so they could also have the option to correct and condemn my behaviour . With dear old pop , half the time i had no idea as to what he was saying , as my grandparents , my mother nor her siblings (who came here as young children ) cared to teach me fluent Hungarian . I wished they had taught me. I only know how to say a few words and that is things like apple / fly / spider in which visiting relatives from Hungary taught me .My mum just admitted to me the other day that between her and her four siblings they couldnt hold a convo in Hungarian now if their life depended on it . I find that sad. And it doesnt suprise me , that the one sibling of my mums ,my uncle , who was born here in Australia , like me , is the one relative from this side of the family that i have not clashed with regarding my relaxed Aussie way.He is a real blonde haired blue eyed Aussie ocker with Hungarian blood. A girl like me , with a free spirit like mine , would have not been accepted easily in communist Hungary. Anyhow thanks again. And your more than welcome to visit Australia , anytime. :) If i wasnt scared of flying , your beautiful Canada , would certainly be on my list of destinations for a holiday. PS My Aussie born and bred cousin ,who has Hungarian mother , who was baptised catholic , and who attended Jewish schooling , is in a relationship with ,and has two children ( so cute) with , a Lebenese Muslim man. He is ok , we like him and he is part of our extended multicultural family. But my cousin is a racist little bitch though and is a nazi at forcing Muslim views on the rest of us , even though her partner respects our way and we respect his. I respect him more than i respect her. :).

Side: yes
2 points

Some say that they are coming to the west to overtake us, something they failed to do 500 years ago.

Side: yes

So, you are saying that people who are born natural are better than the people who are born unnaturally?

Side: yes
dacey(1040) Disputed
1 point




It seems as though you want to challenge me?


Side: No
1 point

Phh yeah.

Beaners that come to California ILLEGALLY can use our Health Care (Our money) and they don't need identification or green cards or any such they just walk in get fixed up, no questions, no arrest, and no turning them back to Mexico.

Side: yes
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