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Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 yes (2)
 no (9)

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vandebater(443) pic

should all countries be allowed to own nuclear arms.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 11
1 point

being devils advocate.

well we don't know if any countries are harbouring nukes. if we made it international law we could investigate in order to "monitor" them and hopefully find some without resistance. then once we know who has nukes and who doesn't we could let every country make some so that there is balance.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes if I'm the one selling nuclear weapons. We need more of a perspective and definitive question here.

Side: yes
1 point

Kenneth Waltz and some other realists argue for a "widespread proliferation" of nuclear arms so that all countries are subject to MAD and are unlikely to go to war. I don't buy that it would really bring a peace because the amount of applied science required to create a single nuke inherently creates an inequality favoring countries that have the resources to build nuclear infrastructure and either train or buy off nuclear engineers. Total MAD would therefore be less likely to hold up.

Side: No
1 point

If no countries possessed nuclear arms there would be no reason for another country to possess nuclear arms. Therefore, we can prevent explosions and keep the peace between nations. Why don't we use our words like children are taught to?

Side: No
3 points

... I mean I agree but,

Why don't we use our words like children are taught to?


Side: No
1 point

I agree, though not with the statement "If no countries possessed nuclear arms there would be no reason for anoter country to possess nuclear arms". Everyone wants to be on top so if every country did not have nuclear weapons, at least one country would be in the process of making some to be the strongest. If every country had nuclear weapons, we should go ahead and face the inevitable: extinction.

Side: No
1 point

I'd argue none should. Killing potentially tens of millions with a single bomb isn't self-defense, it's fucking human-species suicide.

Side: No
1 point

also it would create a desperate arms race were countries with no hope would drive their economies into the ground.

Side: No
1 point

I certainly disagree with the idea of having nuclear arms in all countries 'cause it's like accepting the idea of apocalypse.

Side: No
1 point

What do nuclear bombs do? Kill lots of people. What happens if you kill lots of people in a country? They fight back with more bombs. What happens if they fight back with more bombs? They kill lots of people. This will go on and on until we all die. (I know this seems quite basic, but it is true to an extent.) That is why no one should even think of having nuclear weapons in their grasp, because us humans are too frisky- it's as simple as that. The problem is that there are countries out there who want to keep their bombs just so they can fight back if they were ever attacked by bombs. It's a loop hole that's almost impossible to break out from. Us humans need allot to learn :P

Side: No

My dream is for all countries to get rid of all nuclear arms. Humanity must be preserved.

Side: no