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Debate Score:14
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 Yes (6)
 No (7)

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ghostheadX(1105) pic

should this form of computer hacking be legal?

So, before I begin, I shall explain something needed for the debate. There are three categories on the hacker spectrum.

white hat- The good guys. Test security systems for flaws (called pen testing). Catch black hat hackers (the bad guys).

black hat- The bad guys. Break into computers. Steal millions of dollars. Make, and infect computers with, viruses.

And finally:

grey hat- These guy are controversial. Let's say person A breaks into person B's computer. A doesn't put a virus on it. Instead, he'd rather leave a document saying how B's antivirus software is crap. A recommends better software. Okay? So, he had to break into B's computer, but he had good intent. Maybe the next day, A decides to modify his FB page. He's decided that FB shouldn't have taken away that old myspace feature, to modify the HTML on the page. But to do this, he has to find his profile on the FB server. But it's only his account. Isn't it reasonable for him to change the font of his name on the blue and white? Maybe add in a little red and black? Then again, he did have to hack FB to do it. Then again, he's not doing it to anyone else, it's on a public site, and it IS his account.


You decide. Here's an article on the issue:


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 8
1 point

well, i would go for a grey hat . He want to make thing look like how he likes without affecting the society. Just take example- if a person is a smart , genious in computer and then also due to some life tragedies he ended up in dump. he again want to start a software firm or something like it. He asked from every other person around and banks too bt he got nothing else than disappointment. then he hacks in 1 million accounts and just take a rupee (Indian currency very less as compared to dollar) and he was happy. May be it was a crime bt what other persons lost 1/60 of a dollar.

Side: Yes
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

What is the Indian word for "Office Space"?


Side: Yes
1 point

No because the potential for crime is still their with no regulation. Sure he's a 'good guy' today, but what's stopping him from being a 'bad guy' on a bad day? Without regulation, the answer is nothing.

Side: No
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
1 point

As soon as he crossed the line, he'd be black hat and it'd be illegal. It's the action that would make it illegal, not he person.

If he does something bad, like shut down a server, then he's black hat. Then it's automatically illegal. Already covered.

If grey hat is legal then grey hat is legal, but you wouldn't go any further than that.

Side: Yes
DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

The problem is that nothing is stopping them from becoming a black hat at any time. In another argument you said, that if their is a contract between the white hat and the people who need their security checked it's okay, and in that regard I agree with you. I agree there because if Scythian should o wrong, or the hacker decides to do anything actually bad, blame can be easily placed on one person and they can face the consequences.

However if some guy with some computer skills is just deciding he's going to be a good Samaritan and go breaking into people's accounts just to let them know "hey your security's weak" nothing is stopping him at any time from going even further than that.

My reasoning for deeming all of this illegal (if no contract is issued) is simply because people can not be trusted without some form of checks and balances in place to prevent them from getting out of line.

Slightly less relevant note, I also disagree with the actions of anonymous, the hactivist group who liked to air the private information of people they deemed criminals.

Side: No
1 point

Is it okay to break into a bank vault just to tell the bank that their vault needs security improvements? By law I am sure this counts as a crime. Entering someone's computer without previous permission seems like a crime.

Side: No
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
1 point

Yet, if you are licensed and both parties sign a contract, your allowed to do exactly that. It's called Pen testing. And who said that grey hat was limited to illegal pen testing?

You know, patching could be considered grey hat. That's when one adds a feature to an open source program, like Android. You might have to hack for that.

Would you consider it bad to hack into LoL servers, just to change your own character?

How about to see about another hacker attacking you, in order to better prevent them from hacking your computer? Self defense isn't okay? Security systems are all hackable, no matter what firewall you have. Isn't it possible that one could perhaps, take it beyond just having to use a firewall?

This should say "Clarify", but I clicked "dispute" out of habit.

Side: Yes
Paradox44(736) Disputed
2 points

That's different, but my point still stands. If permission isn't granted beforehand then it's illegal. I'm not even sure why you clicked "dispute". The "clarify" button would have been a more logical selection.

EDIT: This should say "Clarify", but I clicked "dispute" out of habit.

Side: No