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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 True (4)
 Wait..., what? No! (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

It's true. My signature smiley has NEVER got me laid. :(

Side: True
1 point

You beat me to it. I was going to post this topic....only I was going to title the debate "Women are evil".

Side: True
1 point

Then I must be a knock-out(LOL) because I am one of the least smiling men around. There's a few around here who have seen me and I rarely smile for photos.

Side: True
1 point

Douchebags are intially more attractive, but as i've seen the smiley outgoing dudes get girls too (the wholesome smiley girls). By douchebags i mean guys that just expect the pussy to come to them, and usually it happens.

Side: True
1 point

This study is a bit confusing towards me. They say that a happy, smiling man is found least sexually attractive... and then goes on to say that a woman wants a man who is successful. well, a happy, smiling man would mean that he's currently successful and proud of his life, correct? If you are brooding, you are not successful.

Now, I feel that there should be better ways to explain this study. I am not saying that a smiling man is not less attractive... I'm just saying that smiling man are happy because they are successful. Plus, this study is based on online photos, another problem since pictures are different from real life. In pictures, the scene/hipster look is far more popular just because that is the culture of the internet (refer to tumblr/facebook). Hell, even my current profile picture on Facebook is a hipsterish look. That's because I know that bitches love it. But chicks like a guy who is smiling IRL since it portrays confidence. Now, smiling the entire time is just creepy, and in profile pictures that's a freeze frame of a smile... which can be creepy. Plus, it's very generic to have a picture of yourself smiling..."say cheese". It's more trendy to show yourself with a very rigid, strong look saying "i don't give a fuck because i'm the shit". But if you don't smile the entire time IRL, you kind of look like a buzz-kill. Girls, in general (let's forget about scene chicks) want a guy who looks fun and confident. Sure, they want a guy who has a dark past, but that's an entirely different game.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

This study is a bit confusing towards me.

That's because it's a study about women, and women are confusing.

Generally there are two types of men women look for at different stages in their lives. First women are looking for a man with good genes to have children with, and second she is looking for a provider who can take care of herself and her children. Sometimes it is the same man, sometimes not. When women say they like a "Bad boy" it is almost always referring to the first type of man. Scientists refer to these men as males with Dark triad traits, because these men are typically very self-centered they will sometimes leave as soon as they find out the woman is pregnant. This is when she looks for a nice guy who will provide for her kids, even though they are not his. The first type of man passes on his genes by having lots of illegitimate children with various women, and the second type of man will stick with one woman. Both of these evolutionary strategies have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Side: Wait..., what? No!

To be honest, I find any scientific study of the general habits of human beings to be stupid. We're all human, we all act like ourselves. Whether or not someone acts shallow when they court someone(s) is their fault. I don't think it's truly possible to prove what one gender does in majority to it's other habits.

Side: Wait..., What? No!