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Debate Score:13
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 smoking (10)

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bigh(48) pic


i think somking should be band because not only can it hurt yourself but it can hurt other people two 2 hand smoke and even if you have the none smoke one it still has vapor which can kill other people and u also it has just freaking bad stuff theres just retarted people out there.

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If the dangers of secondhand smoke are sufficient reason to ban it in public, then I also propose a categorical ban on sneezing.

Sneezing forcibly expels (often infected) bodily fluids at high velocity. It's a key vector for propagation of numerous pathogens.

So yeah; let's answer public smokers and sneezers with escalating fines and prison time.

dem6(80) Clarified
1 point

haha ok i see where you are coming from. But then sneezing is inevitable. Smoking is not. I'm not sure if i want smoking to be banned altogether, although i do think that banning it would be more beneficial than if we didn't. We all know that there are negative effects on health to those who smoke and to those that are around people who smoke. I mean, what is the point of smoking anyway? In the past, people did it because they thought it was fashionable. But they didn't know it's effects back then. Today, we know its effects. So why still smoke? I mean, are there any benefits from smoking that I don't know about? (this is a genuine question, btw)

I guess, we could all argue that everybody has the right to decide what they want to do with their lives as long as our decisions and actions don't harm others. So smoking in public could be banned and people could still smoke in private as long as they are alone, or they have the permission from those around them to smoke. But still, wouldn't banning it altogether be productive to everybody. Wouldn't it be a much greater cause? What if we can all look past the individual human rights, and look at the greater good that would come out it..?

1 point

I mean, are there any benefits from smoking that I don't know about? (this is a genuine question, btw)

It makes the smoker feel better.

I guess, we could all argue that everybody has the right to decide what they want to do with their lives as long as our decisions and actions don't harm others. So smoking in public could be banned and people could still smoke in private as long as they are alone, or they have the permission from those around them to smoke. But still, wouldn't banning it altogether be productive to everybody. Wouldn't it be a much greater cause? What if we can all look past the individual human rights, and look at the greater good that would come out it..?

I would like to point out you are advocating that we give up human rights for the greater good. I have never heard that resulting in a good outcome.

What problem are you proposing in this debate?

Do you Want to ban smoking in general, or just in public places?

1 point

in plublic


Smoking, in my opinion, will not be banned because too much money is made from the sale of cigarettes.