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 the last days '' are we living in the last days as recorded in the bible..1,timothy 3 ,1,5 (19)

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alphiebutler(37) pic

the last days '' are we living in the last days as recorded in the bible..1,timothy 3 ,1,5

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1 point

People have been saying this for over a thousand years, every generation says the same thing, I highly doubt any of it is true and if is true, well there isnt anything any of us can do about it other then kiss your ass goodbye.

0 points

All of the events in the bible have yet to occur in the past. So those claims would be false.

Warjin(1577) Disputed
1 point

They happen many times, the thing is the way the bible is written anyone from anytime frame can relate to things in the bible, 1000years ago man could of said it was the end times and proof was the collapse of the Roman empire, or the collapse of society when slaves were freed here in America, you see society tends to use current events and relates them to biblical prophecy, in a sense its mans need to be a part of great events, gives us purpose, a oneness with God.

I hope so ;)

1 point

Yes, we are living in the last days as recorded in the Bible.

AuntieChrist(803) Clarified
1 point

Yes, we are living in the last days as recorded in the Bible.

It must be true because Jack Van Impe's been saying so since forever.

Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

Same sarcastic comments like you always say. Doesn't surprise me really since you'll never learn.

1 point

It must be true because Jack Van Impe's been saying so since forever.

I see you up to your old tricks, AuntieChrist. Do you have an argument to refute that user's post?

it seem like no one notice the caption scripture ''on the question'' are we living in the last days was not ( 1 timothy 3,1,5 ) but ( 2 timothy 3,1,5 ) that was an honest mistake. but he question remains the same.... when the bible talks about the last days and the conditions it talks about we can clearly see that times have change and in most cases not for the better. most of us can relate to when we could remember when in our community we were able to walk down the street corner,to the store,our go out with your love one for a walk in the park. or when kids were able to play out on their street. yes times have change and with progress we can expect these changes to take place..more than anything the condition of the hearts of men has change, ...... 2 timothy 3, verse 3. for men will be lovers of themselves,lovers of money, and in verse 3 it talks about them ''having no natural affection''. it seems that man has mastered art of deadening their conscience. these are so of many signs the gods word the bible has given use in order that we stay on the watch'' '' keep our senses'' . the total dis -regard for human life , violence, the endless wars and conflicts,the lawlessness,corruption in the worlds governments.will soon be a thing of the past''thy kingdom come thy will be done as it is in the heavens '' Matthew chapter 6 -9 .. this is the promise,, gods heavenly ruler-ship the the prophet Daniel wrote about at Daniel chapter 2 verse 44 .. yes we are living in the last days''

Well, if the above statement is true... Well damn it. I was hoping this world would cease to exist...

0 points

Increasing tolerance of gay marriage is proof of this...............................