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 what is the best way to get to sleep (8)

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Axmeister(4311) pic

what is the best way to get to sleep

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2 points

what is the best way to get to sleep?

If you're a guy, have sex. It triggers the body into wanting to sleep.

If you're a girl... be asked to have sex by your husband or boyfriend. It's the best way to put you to sleep - pretend until it happens.

1 point

pieceful music. Like some jazz. Very calm soothing music. Without words just music.

1 point

For me, I just close my eyes. Even if I end up just laying there with my eyes closed for half an hour, I eventually always get to sleep.

Also, I try and get lost in my imagination - I'll create a fantasy stories and get carried away.

For example, I acidentally get lost one day, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in a parallel universe which is ruled by two kingdoms - the dark and the light. But both kingdoms don't fight as they've realized that you can't have one without the other, so simply live side by side. But another party is plotting the downfall of the kingdoms and try to push them to war - the leader of that party believes that only white should exist and dark needs to be destroyed, so as to create an Eden. He frames the Dark Prince with the destruction of the Elm Tree; a tree sacred to the Light people, and they seek to kill him in revenge. The Dark King banishes his own son (and the son's allies) out of the kingdom, is an attempt to please the Light people. They stop rioting but a deep tension is creater between the two kingdoms. When waking up I accidentally meet the Prince and co. and join their party whilst they try to stop the extremist light party from worsening the social tensions and causing the downfall of the kingdom... and then you wake up and it's morning.

Watch TV until you get tired, turn over, and go to sleep. This may not work for everyone because I am an easy sleeper.

1 point

Best way to get to sleep is to not sleep. Trying to get to sleep usualy keeps you up.

1. Listen to peaceful music - smooth jazz or classical

2. booze

3. Ask somebody to hit you in the back of the head.

4. Tea- green or herbal

5. sleep aid

6. Eat- it's hard to fall asleep on an empty stomach

7. Fresh air- be sure to get out and be active

8. hot shower/ bath

1 point

I've had trouble sleeping pretty much since high school. I read an article somewhere which suggested it was cuz my internal clock was out of whack. A chemical called melanin is what makes you fall asleep. Melanin levels drop when you're exposed to bright light and rise when it gets dark. Sunlight is by far the brightest source of light, so naturally people's melanin levels tend to be low during daytime and then rise as night falls. But if you stay inside all day, and stare at you're computer screen all night you're melanin levels can get way off.

My solution was to eat my breakfast outside. Just twenty minutes or so of sunlight seems to be enough to get my internal clock started. I also installed a program called Flux on my computer. Blue light has more of an effect on your internal clock than red light, and the program filters out blue light at night -- so staring at your computer won't screw up you're sleep cycle as much. These things combined make it easier for me to stay on a normal schedule.

Side: Eat breakfast outside and Flux
1 point

I sometimes go to sleep and when I wake up it feels that no time has past at all

Side: flip flop