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 what is the spotlight series and how can i get on it (4)

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11wolf(679) pic

what is the spotlight series and how can i get on it

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1 point

I dunno.

1 point

You don't want to be on it. It's for shaming losers. .

11wolf(679) Clarified
1 point

what do you mean by that and how is it for that and also why

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Just look at whose been singled out for the spotlight one with any credibility. If you want to debate, you need credibility.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I will piss myself laughing when you get put on it.

Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
1 point

The spotlight series is just to roast everyone. It's going in order with who has the most to least points, so everyone will get one eventually. Meaning, based on what you said, everyone is a loser.

It's something hosted by one of the founders of the site, this Andy person.

I think to get on it you just need to exist, or be relevant.

Prodigee got his one, he hasn't done anything special except maybe been number one in points since he came here.