
Debate Info

state schools boarding/private schools
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 state schools (4)
 boarding/private schools (2)

Debate Creator

Axmeister(4311) pic

what school is better

i put boarding and private schools together because there are only 2 options and more people tend to go to state schools

state schools

Side Score: 4

boarding/private schools

Side Score: 2

More people go to state schools because they can't afford to go to private or boarding schools. State schools give you more of a real life experience (ex. larger groups, not mostly wealthy, and more diverse learning).

Side: state schools
isabellelope(10) Clarified
1 point

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Side: state schools
1 point

At both you will recive an good educational experiance, though sometimes a prite school may give you a better one a state school also teaches people important social skills such as communication, image, style, sex appeal, humility all of which are just important as the education. If you are kind and can socialize well you will get hired a promoted if your a stuck up prick you will not.

Side: state schools
1 point

If you go to the right state school then it can be way better than any private school you could go to. Having gone to private and state schools in my life, I've gotta say I prefer the atmosphere in public schools. The only issue with public schools is that they can be pretty bad in some states.

Side: state schools

Old Skoooooooooooooool .

Side: Old Skool

There isn't a specific better school.

every school offers a decent education.

Now what changes is wether the student is a hard working student or not. That will have an effect on student's education.

But that isn't the school's fault.

It is the student's.

Side: boarding/private schools
james8293(102) Disputed
1 point

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Side: state schools