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Send them back Keep them here
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 Send them back (3)
 Keep them here (14)

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mb66(26) pic

where has real America gone ?

I never thought there would come a time when I would be supervised by a non-American in my workplace . The way I see it , the government is so set on focussing much of there attention on stimulating the US economy , they can't really see how much harm is being done . The United States is only so , why fill it full of those who have no business being here . My opinion... " Much more is be stimulated , other than our economy " So I say to you , send them back , all of them , If you wasn't born here , don't be here !

Send them back

Side Score: 6

Keep them here

Side Score: 20
4 points

I agree. We should send all of those European immigrants back to where they came from and give the country back to the real Americans. The Native Americans--y'know, those "red people".

Side: Send them back
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

It wasn't America back then, it was India.


Side: Keep them here
KatieMarie(288) Disputed
1 point

That means my whole family will be deported. My younger sister and I was the only ones born in america in our family. Do you know what happens to a lot of girls my age that are from poor families in the slums of Europe? If not, just watch Taken. But most fathers do not go looking for them.......

Side: Keep them here

That means my whole family will be deported. My younger sister and I was the only ones born in america in our family.

I was only being sarcastic. No harm intended.

Side: Keep them here
3 points

I was never aware that we ever had something describable as a "real" America.

Side: Keep them here
1 point

I guess the country we are currently living in is imaginary.

Side: Keep them here
2 points

I meant, there's just America. "Real" is redundant unless it's being used for impact, in which case it's more nostalgia than factually applicable.

Side: Keep them here
2 points

1. This whole "native american" thing is kind of bullshit. After all, they were just indigenous savages that lived on the land that more advanced people were trying to turn into a country. Eventually, this land became America and the inhabitants of it then were the actual Native Americans. But really, if you're born here, you're a Native American. If you come here from another country, you're an immigrant.

2. This country is great because of its diversity. If we decide to just block out any immigrants, we're missing out on what made us great in the first place. So much entrepreneurship and big business would not be as great without the diverse ideals.

or maybe I just look at it from a Capitalist point of view instead of a racial point of view. The economy grows from the increased spending, employment and entrepreneurship; different cultures bring along different ideals (Mexican restaurants or Oriental rugs); and globalization becomes something more acceptable and easy to do as cultures start to mix together and create a new culture.

really, any real American would support this Capitalist dream.

Side: Keep them here
1 point

Are you Native American? Or were you're grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents (etc.) immigants. If one has any blood that's not Native American, it seems that you think that person should be deported.

Additionally, what defines "real" America? Contrary views, conservatism, liberalism, democratic, peaceful, patriotic, war monger, passionate, fat, rich, corrupt, capitalist, Christian? These are just a few of the descriptors one could attach to an "American", and the thing is that America is all of these. It is both a war monger and a peace keeper; it is Christian and Muslim; Democratic and Socialist; Conservative and Liberal. That is a part of American history, American legacy, and American greatness. The absence of such diversity would only deprive us of history and and the American ingenuity.

I'm guessing your "real" America is God-fearing, conservative, Republican, patriotic America. They still exist. The "other" America just has found its voice.

Side: Keep them here
Republican2(348) Disputed
1 point

There is a difference between they way my great grandparents got here from Ireland and how hundreds of thousands of other immigrants got here. I think we need to send the ones who got here illegally back.

Side: Send them back
Conro(767) Disputed
1 point

Did I mention illegal immigrants? I believe that it's wrong to illegally immigrate, but I also think we need to make legal immigration to America easier. Additionally, what do we do with the [illegal] ones who are here already and have perhaps started a family? Do we send their children back with them? Or their wife, if they married a native? You are simplifying the issue.

And yet, you failed to answer the real question of my post: what defines "real" America?

Side: Keep them here

Everyone should have a chance to move into a country if they want to. Who cares if they supervise you? They probably have more education.

Side: Keep them here
mb66(26) Disputed
1 point

MORE EDUCATION ? Give me a break . Look it , migrated in 1990 , was GIVIN free housing , started out in a job at ground level , when the majority of the employees were all new to the US , bullcrapped his way to a management possition , 6 out of 10 of his fellow employees were let go because of lack of skills , upper management is so affraid of the word discrimination .

And now , in his eyes he's not expendable ?

Side: Send them back
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

So, do you have more education than the other person? Either way, America shouldn't stop someone from moving into the country just because they weren't born here. Everyone deserves the same chance.

Side: Keep them here
1 point

Really? I mean really? The god damn nation is nothing but immigrants. We are founded on immigrants. It is people like you that are the reason everyone hates America.

Side: Keep them here