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 why do we call it south america when it not part of america (8)

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goodmale(1459) pic

why do we call it south america when it not part of america

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3 points

I think we should take it over even if it by force lol they would have no chance against america

America isn't a country, it's a nickname. Why do we call it Canada when it is clearly part of America?

Because it's south of america.

We call it South America because we hope to own it someday ;)

1 point

because one day it will be america. no it just called south america because it south of america

1 point

Because it's still a part of the Americas. Depends how you're taught, but some teach that North and South America are just one continent.

Because the continents used to be connected... Prior to T. Roosevelt, there was a narrow strip of land connecting them.

1 point

I think we should invite them to the US. it would be great if we can get more land for this country.