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 why nation's fail ?? (37)

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lana(25) pic

why nation's fail ??

New technologies are extremely disruptive. They sweep aside old business models and make existing skills and organizations obsolete. They redistribute not just income and wealth but also political power. This gives elites a big incentive to try to stop the march of progress. Good for them, but not for society.

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2 points

Correct, tribes are become nations, nations become federations, then we become the united federation of planets, just as Roddenberry foresaw.

1 point

Nations have been failing since nations first came into existence. This is hardly a new phenomenon, whereas modern technology clearly is. Ergo, no, I do not think your argument works.

casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Their argument was new technology, not modern. Pay attention man.

When the steam engine came around, how many nations fell to the empires?

When the plow was developed, how many band societies fell to the kingdoms?

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

I was paying attention, thank you. Modern was a reference to new, they're both vague terms referring roughly to the near present.

I don't know. You tell me. While you are at, please show me how that technology actually caused the nations to collapse. Additionally, the argument as presented here was that technology disrupted society from within causing nations to collapse and you are defending that point by arguing that other nations/groups took over others because technological advantage; different points. Pay attention man.

I am not saying technology does not influence the rise and fall of nations, but I think it is a massive logical fallacy to put so much emphasis on it.

1 point

Like all thing in the universe, all things must evolve, societies, nations are no exception.

Our way of life, capitalism, ect. will fall, we will learn to move with change of be weeded out, this is the rule of the universe.

1 point

Usually because of religions .