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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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socialistboy(16) pic

would global atheism solve all the worlds problems


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 1
2 points

Contrary to what some may believe, the world's problems run far deeper than something as meaningless as religion. Global atheism would not cure famine, disease, poverty, and the everyday struggles of the average person.

Obviously it would solve religious disputes, but in the modern day, these are few and far between compared to the problems I listed above.

Side: no

Global atheism isn't going to tear down the tyranny that is corporatism, so of course it wouldn't solve all world problems...

Side: no
ChadOnSunday(1837) Clarified
1 point

All the worlds problems are caused by corporate tyranny? I can think of a few others, besides.

Side: no

No. But it's not a bad step forward in that regard. It would alleviate religious problems and related problems, but that's about it. And it would probably save me a few headaches, what with no longer running my head into the brick wall known as the Bible every time I debate theists in this country.

Side: no

It would solve a great number of problems, maybe people might actually start caring about eachother. And people would finally be willing to educate themselves and their children properly.

In order to solve the main political problems, we would also have to get right of all the wingnuts, whether communist, free marketeers, hardcore libertarians or authoritarian fascists, political extremism is dangerous.

Side: no

Well, I will opine that religious divisions would no longer exist and wars would not be fought over religion.

Side: yes