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Aur0ra's Reward Points: 158

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument does a mingiwuwu keep the alien device in its trousers
2 Added Argument How Can Andy Best Stop Multi-Accounting?
0 Added Argument AppVerticals
5 Added Argument does the chinaman have authority on matters concerning reality
1 Added Argument the burrito thinks it knows it some facts about socialism. does the state make your lunch
5 Created Debate does a mingiwuwu keep the alien device in its trousers
1 Created Debate do brain farts commonly run in the minds of a democratic burrito
4 Created Debate the burrito thinks it knows it some facts about socialism. does the state make your lunch
5 Created Debate does the chinaman have authority on matters concerning reality
6 Added Argument Democrats do support Muslim terrorist
2 Added Argument ROFLMAO. The Chinaman Says It Found A COMMIE In Its Egg Fried Rice!!
2 Added Argument Nom's nose is weak. I could easily break it
1 Added Argument It is common knowledge that psychopathy is integratable and even rewarded in a capitalist
-1 Downvoted Argument
5 Created Debate Nom's nose is weak. I could easily break it
3 Added Argument It is common knowledge that psychopathy is integratable and even rewarded in a capitalist
1 Created Debate crack vs coke
2 Created Debate Asparagus VS Brussels Sprouts
1 Created Debate What was the most left wing Monarchy in history?
5 Created Debate It is common knowledge that psychopathy is integratable and even rewarded in a capitalist
1 Added Argument FromWithin permabanned me for being a social democrat, and applying my faith in a dif way.
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument All males start out feeling like they are trapped inside a woman's body but then they are
1 Added Argument What do you think would happen if me, Nom, and Mingiwuwu were locked in a room together?
5 Created Debate Can caffeine cure schizophrenia?
5 Created Debate What do you think would happen if me, Nom, and Mingiwuwu were locked in a room together?
5 Created Debate Nom abuses language, forums, drugs, women, children and animals
1 Created Debate Nom once claimed that Marx invented socialism
10 Added Argument Diabolic vs Vinnie Paz
4 Added Argument How intelligent would you say you are on a scale from 1 to 10?
2 Created Debate This is how real mother fuckers settle an issue
2 Added Argument America once again takes out Terrorist leader. Socialist Europe & UN do little as usual!

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