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Saltal's Reward Points: 196

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Thor VS Hulk
1 Added Argument The difference between domestic terrorism and international terrorism is academic.
1 Added Argument Thor VS Hulk
5 Created Debate The difference between domestic terrorism and international terrorism is academic.
3 Added Argument Why is Donald Trump so envied by small minded left wing bigots.
2 Added Argument Why is Donald Trump so envied by small minded left wing bigots.
5 Created Debate Why is Donald Trump so envied by small minded left wing bigots.
1 Added Argument Where can I spend my points????
-1 Downvoted Argument Which of the 15 Democratic candidates should be chosen to lose to Donald Trump in 2020?
5 Added Argument Which of the 15 Democratic candidates should be chosen to lose to Donald Trump in 2020?
4 Added Argument Islamic State in Nigeria beheads Christians
5 Created Debate Which of the 15 Democratic candidates should be chosen to lose to Donald Trump in 2020?
0 Added Argument I fucking hate Christmas.
2 Added Argument Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and by Happy New Year I mean
3 Added Argument Why are Americans so politically divided at present?
4 Added Argument Why are Americans so politically divided at present?
5 Created Debate Why are Americans so politically divided at present?
1 Added Argument You Can Bet That Excon Is Celebrating Xmas, Just Like The FAKE JEW He Is
1 Added Argument Should we replace the word, "abortion" with the term, "assisted suicide"
-1 Downvoted Argument Should we replace the word, "abortion" with the term, "assisted suicide"
1 Added Argument Welcome To FromWithin's Utopia!!
-1 Downvoted Argument NY cracks down on MS-13 Gang Members more than 200 arrests
3 Added Argument People who hate the poor, a public shamfest!
0 Added Argument FromWithin, you are a straight up Fascist coward. That is why you ban all opposition.
0 Added Argument I think Saltal is Dermot/Jody but has adapted his typing style quite a bit.
2 Added Argument NY cracks down on MS-13 Gang Members more than 200 arrests
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you support Medicare For All, or do you oppose healthcare rights?
1 Added Argument Who, if anyone, deserves welfare?
1 Added Argument In a free country, if Tina wants to marry Sally, why shouldn't they be allowed that right?
0 Added Argument This is for the dumb asses who think rap is an ignorant/unsophisticated type of music
-1 Downvoted Argument Can Christians lose their salvation?
-1 Downvoted Argument FromWithin can't handle honest critique of religion. Why is that?
1 Added Argument FromWithin Is A Deceiver Who Has Made A Pact With Satan
1 Added Argument Democrats what are you going to do when impeachment fails in the Senate
1 Added Argument Can Christians lose their salvation?
1 Added Argument FromWithin can't handle honest critique of religion. Why is that?
1 Added Argument Minimum Wage hikes claim more victims in Sacramento
-1 Downvoted Argument Minimum Wage hikes claim more victims in Sacramento
-1 Downvoted Argument "I have read persuasive evidence that this Bush administration knew..."
-1 Downvoted Argument The meaning of Christmas?
-1 Downvoted Argument The meaning of Christmas?
-1 Downvoted Argument The meaning of Christmas?
-1 Downvoted Argument The meaning of Christmas?
-1 Downvoted Argument The meaning of Christmas?
1 Added Argument The meaning of Christmas?
1 Added Argument Crazy Democrat charged after threatening to kill GOP Congressman
-1 Downvoted Argument Ex-London Mayor blames Labour's loss on the "Jewish Vote"
-1 Downvoted Argument Ex-London Mayor blames Labour's loss on the "Jewish Vote"

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