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RSS 20110031

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I strongly agree that mass media controls people's mind. Advertisement may affect people's understanding of perfect life, style or appearance. Many advertisements on TV show very beautiful and successful people and many consumers think that if they buy certain goods or services they will achieve that success or beauty that people in advertisement have.

1 point

I consider that home foods is much better than fast food. First of all fast food contains a lot of сholesterol that very dangerous for human's health. Excess of cholesterol leads to serious deseases such as an adiposity, a hypertension, a diabetes. Also eating home food helps to save family budget because eating outside is more expensive. Finally I want to say that when you cook your meal yourself you are sure in quality and freshness of the food stuf you use. In contrast, fast food restaurants may use the same oil for cooking french fries for about hundred times.

1 point

I consider that there are a lot of factors that state that women should work. The first one is that housekeeping, sitting at home and watching TV in the mean time leads to degradation. Housewife's education becomes useless because all the knowledge obtained at the university is getting lost witout practice. Also sitting at home leads to relationship problems with husband. Housewife may think that her husband doesn't pay her enough attention and appriciate her hosework. Housewife doesn't feel that society needs them and sometimes they feel a lack of companionship.

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